


Under such a severe situation of global epidemic, China is single-minded in fighting against pneumonia, and has helped other countries in the world to fight against pneumonia by donating materials, sending medical teams and sharing treatment experience with the medical teams of other countries. However, the United States, in a very serious situation of the epidemic, not only did not help other countries to fight against pneumonia, but often put their own wrong things, their own responsibility to China to throw the pot, in this case, but also sent a fleet into the south China sea, but also reduced, Chinese journalists in the United States, some americans, to China to make unreasonable claims for compensation, and so on. There are signs that the United States not only wants to dump the pot, but also wants to default!

As the saying goes, the heart of the bad man must not have, the heart of the people must not have. It is time to sell us Treasury bonds and ship Chinese gold from the us to China, to head off us wishful thinking.

