
Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who had long, but to no avail, wished for a child. Finally the woman came to believe that the good Lord would fulfill her wish.



Through the small rear window of these people's house they could see into a splendid garden that was filled with the most beautiful flowers and herbs. The garden was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared enter, because it belonged to a sorceress who possessed great power and was feared by everyone.



One day the woman was standing at this window, and she saw a bed planted with the most beautiful rapunzel. It looked so fresh and green that she longed for some. It was her greatest desire to eat some of the rapunzel. This desire increased with every day, and not knowing how to get any, she became miserably ill.

一天,妻子站在窗口向花園望去,看到一塊菜地上長著非常漂亮的萵苣。 這些萵苣綠油油、水靈靈的,立刻就勾起了她的食慾,非常想吃它們。這種慾望與日俱增,而當知道自己無論如何也吃不到的時候,她變得非常憔悴,臉色蒼白,痛苦不堪。


Her husband was frightened, and asked her, "What ails you, dear wife?"


"Oh," she answered, " if I do not get some rapunzel from the garden behind our house, I shall die."


The man, who loved her dearly, thought, "Before you let your wife die, you must get her some of the rapunzel, whatever the cost."


So, just as it was getting dark he climbed over the high wall into the sorceress's garden, hastily dug up a handful of rapunzel, and took it to his wife. She immediately made a salad from it, which she devoured eagerly.



It tasted so very good to her that by the next day her desire for more had grown threefold. If she were to have any peace, the man would have to climb into the garden once again.

這萵苣的味道真是太好了,第二天她想吃的萵苣居然比前一天多了兩倍。 為了滿足妻子,丈夫只好決定再次翻進女巫的園子。


