04.03 奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that

你是不是经常在文章中碰到 so that, 请问你的老师告诉你是什么意思了吗?是不是经常翻译成“以便”。你能分清楚什么时候表示结果,什么时候又表达目的的意思吗?在这里,让我为大家做一个详细的分享,“so that”我能解答大家的疑惑。

奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that



奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that


1、in order that/so that(为了)

例如:I get up early in order that I can catch the early bus.我早起为了赶上早班车。我们也可以用 I get up early so that I can catch the early bus.

注意:in order that+从句=so that+从句;in order to +动词原形=so as to+动词原形

He ran fast (so that /in order that) he might arrive there before ten o’clock.和

He ran fast (so as to /in order to) arrive there before ten o’clock.这两句话表达的意思都是:他飞快的跑,为了在10点前赶到那里。

2、in case/lest(以防)

例如:Take your umbrella (in case/lest )it should rain.请带上你的雨伞,以防天会下雨。

奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that



奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that


1、so/so that 结果

The bus broke down (so/so that) we had to walk home.那时公交车坏了,结果我们不得不走路回家了。


She is so good a teacher that everyone admires her.其中so是副词修饰形容词good,good是形容词修饰 a teacher 。so只能连接单数可数名词。

She is such a good teacher that everyone admires her.其中such是形容词修饰名词a good teacher 。such 可以连接单数可数名词。

They are such good teachers that everyone admires them.其中such修饰good teachers。such 可以连接复数可数名词

It is such pure water that we all like to drink it 。其中such修饰pure water。such可以修饰不可数名词。

奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that

注意:当so位于句首时,需要把主句变成一般疑问句顺序,也叫倒装。例如:正常语序 It is so interesting a novel that all of us want to read it。主句 It is so interesting a novel 是主系表结构。第一步:变成一般疑问句(倒装)Is it so interesting a novel。第二步:把so及它所修饰的的词一起放句首。So interesting is it a novel。最终变成倒装句:So interesting is it a novel that all of us want to read it。

奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that

3、only to +动词原形:没有料到

He got to the station finally, only to find the train had left.他最终到达火车站,没有料到发现火车已经离开。

最后总结:目的状语从句的so that可以看出当时动作未发生。结果状语从句的so that说明动作已经发生了。


奔走相告!居然目的和结果状语从句都有so that


