02.29 Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國

以老港口為起點,穿過King René塔(tower of King René)旁的大門,人們便進入了Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區;再穿過一道厚厚的牆體,一個隱藏在石質高牆下的封閉世界猝不及防地撞入遊客的眼簾。在藍天下,這個建在小島上的景區邀請著人們入內一探究竟。

▼Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區總覽,overall bird-eye’s view of the Fort Saint Jean

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

After starting from the Old Port, entering Fort Saint Jean through the door next to the tower of King René and crossing the thick wall, the visitor finally discovers a closed universe of high stone walls revealing the strong mineral aspect of the place under the bright roof of the sky.

▼景區總平面圖,master plan of the project

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

1. 種植著橘子樹的入口庭院 | The Orange Grove


Unifying the former lower and higher yards and yet preserving the two parts, the orange grove highlights the surroundings and the staging of these spaces when entering the fort. The project stresses the will to connect the DRASSM building, the entrance to the chapel and to reveal the mysterious access leading uphill to the cannons. A concrete pavement made of rolled or crushed aggregate constitutes the common thread of the path accessible to everybody. On each side you can see large stone paths made of split pebbles that enhance the physical unity of the two yards. Posted like sentinels on duty on each side, two rows of five luxurious orange trees in terracotta pots attract the eye and guide the visitor’s steps. The orange tree yard is an entrance into the heart of the Mediterranean, into a privileged space to start the discovery of the Fort and walk around the “garden of migrations”. The south surrounding wall is composed of sealed loopholes that we suggest could be reopened so as to be visible from inside the courtyard, to accentuate the tension between the inside and outside of the Fort.

▼Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區鳥瞰圖,bird-eye’s view of the Fort Saint Jean

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps


Next to the lane leading uphill to the cannons, the existing structure is restructured as an ornamental lake to magnify the Mediterranean culture of water in connection with the orange grove. Nearby, a garden of agave flowerbeds exacerbates the contrast with the coolness of the pond and its jets of water and highlights the vision of the geological facies supporting the perched gallery of officers.

▼入口庭院中的觀賞池塘,加強了庭院與地中海環境和文化之間的聯繫,the ornamental lake in the Orange Grove, magnifying the Mediterranean culture of water in connection with the orange grove

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

2. 通向炮臺的斜坡小路 | The Cannon Slope


Those who want to avoid the elevator, or those who have already stepped into the orange grove will discover the cannon slope and will be able to climb the grand staircase with the banister, following the visible marks of history while penetrating the thick walls of the Fort. This magical sequence in a large vertical vaulted gallery, lulled by a chiaroscuro controlled by a softened light to secure the walk, provides access to the higher level of the Fort on a lane connecting the parade ground to the Royal Gate, which will house the future Saint Laurent footbridge, another gateway to connect the ground floor of the city with its public spaces.

3. DRASSM大樓 | The DRASSM Building


▼DRASSM大樓的屋頂空間,沿著牆面擺放一系列混凝土製成的構件,roof of the DRASSM building, covering the gable with a vertically arranged concrete fishnet texture

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

Thanks to its style and temporality of distinct construction, the DRASSM building holds a special place in the history of the Fort architecture. For its implantation on the visible foundations of the palace of the commander, it interconnects with the two parts of the orange grove. It is a remarkable element of the Fort’s lower gate that can be seen both from higher and lower viewpoints. The ground floor of the DRASSM building is dedicated to the welcoming of the public (toilets, ticket office …). A vertical link via an elevator placed on the south gable end of the building will allow groups and people with reduced mobility (PRM) to reach directly the building’s terrace on their way to the upper part of the Fort. The comfortable journey on an access ramp (with a 4% maximum slope) accessible to PMRs makes it possible to easily connect the other side of the Fort, with access to the DRASSM and its equipment and to the entrance of the chapel. By avoiding any improper and ill-suited decorative mannerism of a plant wall, our proposal of covering the gable with a vertically arranged concrete fishnet texture allows to wrap today’s façade of the DRASSM as well as the elevator equipment. The materiality and permeability of this “skin” with the vegetal pattern and the evocation of a Moucharabie (wooden lattice) make light of the link with the strong minerality of the place and the interplay between light and shadow that unite the site. This same vocabulary of fishnet is used as a shade structure covering the entire terrace of the DRASSM where visitors arrive.

▼DRASSM大樓的屋頂空間,在頂部露臺空間上,漁網狀的屋頂為人們提供了必要的遮陰空間,roof of the DRASSM building, the fishnet cover is used as a shade structure covering the entire terrace of the DRASSM where visitors arrive

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

4. 光影畫廊(DRASSM水下大樓的屋頂空間)| The Shadow Gallery (Roof of the DRASSM)

這個露天的屋頂畫廊採用赤土色的地板,不僅是進入前指揮官花園——“默特爾庭院(myrtle yard)”前的最後一個前廳式空間,更可以作為一個室外的展覽空間,展出Mucem的部分藏品。

Under this floating carpet of material that prints its light graphic design on the terracotta floor, this “gallery of shadows” is a final antechamber in the open air before entering the “myrtle yard” (former garden of the commander). This space could be used for example as an outdoor exhibition gallery for some works of the Mucem.

▼DRASSM大樓屋頂的光影畫廊,可作為一個室外的展覽空間,the shadow gallery (roof of the DRASSM) that can be used for example as an outdoor exhibition gallery

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

設計團隊對DRASSM大樓所進行的所有設計構想可概括為以下幾點:– 對南側的山牆進行適當的裝飾,並用一個遮陽的結構覆蓋露臺空間;– 拆除會影響高處庭院可達性的原有大型坡道,通過“種植著橘子樹的庭院”重新在高低兩個院子之間建立聯繫,使其不僅可以接待遊客,更可以作為展覽空間;– 拆除將露臺和默特爾庭院分隔開來的北側牆體,創造出一種開放式的空間佈局,從而在實體空間和視覺兩方面上將光影畫廊與未來的默特爾庭院聯繫起來;– 儘可能地對原粉色混凝土外牆進行改造;– 在保證技術可行性的基礎上,將屋頂露臺改造為花園:採用“黃金花園”的主題,在其中種植一系列耐旱的景天屬植物、具有冬眠期的鱗莖類植物和藏紅花等。

To summarize the proposals of work on the DRASSM building, about which we would like to start a dialogue with the contracting authority, are the following:– Decorating the South gable and covering the terrace with a shading structure;– Removing the large access ramp that interferes with the legibility of the higher Courtyard then the “Orange Grove” can reunite through a different perspective the two levels of yards so as to make these spaces available and accessible to receiving visitors and exhibitions;– Demolishing of the end of the Northern construction separating the terrace and commander’s garden : this open arrangement would allow to connect physically and visually the “shadow gallery” and the future” myrtle yard”;– Possibility of changing the pink colour of the concrete facades;– Turning the roof terraces into gardens if that is technically feasible: this “garden of gold” theme related to the garden of migrations is a dry garden of sedum completed with a collection of bulbs with winter rest and saffron.

▼DRASSM大樓屋頂的光影畫廊,採用赤土色的地板,the shadow gallery (roof of the DRASSM) with terracotta floor

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

5. 指揮官花園(默特爾庭院)| The Governor’s Garden or Myrtle Garden


On the small residual space overlooking the Orange grove, visitors exit the Shadow Gallery and enter the “Commander’s Garden”. A tiny courtyard planted with myrtles, with delicately scented flowers and foliage and whose name reminds us of the Alhambra of Granada. On one side, the limestone pavement highlights the small staircase directly connecting the western wall walk to an access to a man-lift allowing PRMs to connect the lower level of the gallery of officers. On the other side, the arrangement of the trimmed lines of myrtles and pomegranate trees in full bloom highlights the position of the garden standing like a balcony above the courtyard, the Square Tower, the chapel in the background, the garden of the Ailantes, and offers some strategic views of the city and the port.

6. 指揮官畫廊 | The Officers’ Gallery


An elevator has been installed in two cells of the Officers’ Gallery on the higher and lower level. It offers a large range of possibilities of access, use and paths to PRMs and facilitates the quality of discovery and presentation of the collections of the Mucem, since it connects these two levels of activities.

7. 西牆步道 | The Western Wall Walk

西牆步道從指揮官畫廊和默特爾庭院的交匯點開始,一路向北延伸,經過信標塔所在的圓形露臺,最後來到閱兵場的中央地帶。同樣地,這條步道也具有絕佳的地理位置,它不僅朝向大海,為遊客們提供了一覽無餘的海景,更面對著法羅宮(Faro palace)、俯瞰著Louis Brauquier長廊。當然,步道在設計上也考慮到了無障礙的可能性,但它較為狹窄,出於對安全的考慮只能單向通行,以避免在使用過程中可能會發生的不必要衝突。

After leaving the meeting point between the officers’ gallery and the myrtle garden, the western wall walk moves Northwards to reach the circular terrace of the Beacon Tower and then gets near the central Parade ground. All along this path open to sea spray, facing the Palais du Faro (Faro palace) and overlooking the Louis Brauquier promenade, the narrowness of the passage, whose access to PRMs could be allowed, probably requires to be turned into a one-way path on this portion in order to avoid any conflict of use. Halfway along this route, where the path is making a bend, it is possible to have direct access to the Parade ground using the shortcut of a covered walkway whose project will considerably reduce the length and therefore the constraints.

8. d’Armes廣場 | The Place d’Armes

d’Armes廣場又名閱兵場,位於小島的頂部,是整個防禦工事景區的核心空間。它充滿了生機和活力,作為舉行會議和活動的場所,對公眾開放。在本項目中,設計團隊希望能夠通過簡化佈局來擴大空間的使用面積,從而讓遊客們能夠更好地瞭解防禦工事景區的整體結構。因此,他們重新設計了廣場北部的空間:平臺以成角的形式向外突出,俯瞰著海面;步道系統在加入無障礙設計的同時,也提高了自身的連續性,將信標塔與d’Armes廣場聯繫了起來。廣場的花園中種植著各種科屬的草本植物,當南風襲來的時候,植物會隨風飄搖。這個廣場可以說是一個真正意義上的觀景平臺,置身於此,人們不僅可以欣賞到遠處和近處的自然景觀,還能看到碼頭上的熙熙攘攘,更能看到橫跨在港口之上的人行天橋。d’Armes廣場向北延伸,觀景平臺以成角的形式向外突出,俯瞰著海面;向西延伸到信標塔和Horseman港口;向東延伸到退臺式休息空間。在廣場空間的基礎上,設計團隊對西側的Georges Henri Rivière大樓的佈局進行了適當的調整,在其中設置了接待處、咖啡廳、展覽研討空間等,以突出其戰略地位。此外,設計團隊還對d’Armes廣場的高差進行了一定的處理,以期減少不必要事故的發生概率,同時也能減少建築物之間的樓梯和地形坡道。例如,Mucem人行天橋入口處和Georges Henri Rivière大樓入口處之間的高差就經過了一定的調整:平坦的地面不僅能夠增強各空間的可達性,同時還能確保廣場與待建的St Laurent人行天橋之間的和諧關係。

▼d’Armes廣場、退臺式休息空間和山地花園總覽,overview of the Place d’Armes, terraces of the Fort and the Hill Gardens

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

In the upper part of the Fort, the Place d’Armes (Parade Ground) is the vibrant heart of the Fort which is the place for meetings and events that are open to many audiences. The project aims at enlarging the larger area by simplifying the reading of space for a better understanding of the Fort’s structures. Thus to the North, the Place d’Armes (Parade Ground) sticks out to redesign the earth platform in the geometry of the tip of the sea and at the same time recreate the continuity of the rampart walk which is used as a gentle ramp for PRMs and that will help to connect the terrace from the Tour de Fanal (Beacon Tower) to the Place d’Armes (Parade Ground). Under the influence of the Mistral (southern wind) the garden hosts the wind garden, planted with different types of grass. It is a real viewpoint indicator with two directions making it possible to visually touch the near and distant landscape, the hustle and bustle of the port, the Mucem and the dramatic end of the footbridge stepping over the harbour basin to cling to the Fort. The extended limits of the Place d’Armes come to ensconce themselves to the North onto the new geometry of the platform of the tip of the sea, to the West onto the work of the Fort connecting the beacon Tower and the Horseman of the harbour, to the East onto the “terraces of the Fort” that host the Mucem footbridge to the South or the northern facade of the G building and on the northern wall of the Horseman of the harbour. Thus, the layout of the G building on the Place d’Armes is magnified to accentuate its strategic role: reception desk, coffee shop, exhibition seminars, etc. The general altimetry of Place d’Armes is enhanced to reduce accidents and limit stairs and topographic ramps between structures. For example, between the arrival height of the Mucem footbridge and the entrance thresholds in Georges Henri Rivière building (GHR): the flatness of the square allows easy access to the entire surface while ensuring comfort of use with adjoining spaces and preserving the future relationship with the St Laurent footbridge. Taking up the spirit of the materials discovered in the field, the surface of the square is a rustic assembly of limestone slabs whose pattern is designed at random.

▼d’Armes廣場夜景,night view of the Place d’Armes

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

在咖啡館露臺和Georges Henri Rivière大樓的後方設置著一個地中海式的菜園。這個方形的菜園沿著防禦工事景區的西牆佈置,向北一直延伸到信標塔附近。菜園內種植著各種當地或外來的蔬菜,這些蔬菜按照顏色的順序排列,無論是在冬季還是在夏季,都在向人們展示著地中海特有的植物文化。

Near the cafe restoration terrace and at the back of the GHR building, the Mediterranean vegetable garden, leaning on the western wall of the Fort and extending by squares at the foot of the Beacon Tower, is staged in a row of colours that tells the saga of Mediterranean vegetables whether winter or summer, native or exotic ones.

▼地中海式的菜園,沿著防禦工事景區的西牆佈置,向北一直延伸到信標塔附近,the Mediterranean vegetable garden that leans on the western wall of the Fort and extends by squares at the foot of the Beacon Tower

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

▼地中海式的菜園細節,details of the Mediterranean vegetable garden

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

9. 退臺式休息空間 | The Terraces of the Fort

退臺式休息空間位於d’Armes廣場的東側,坐落在Georges Henri Rivière大樓的對面,與Georges Henri Rivière大樓同長,並在與Mucem人行天橋交匯處向北轉折。木製座椅可以提高戶外生活的舒適度。這處休息空間自帶高差,通過一系列大小不一的石階和坡度為4%的之字形石質坡道來實現彼此之間的聯繫。坡道系統從d’Armes廣場的南側開始,一部分延伸到東北側的人行天橋處,另一部分則通向東側的山地花園。

▼退臺式休息空間,通過一系列大小不一的石階和坡度為4%的之字形石質坡道來實現彼此之間的聯繫,the terraces of the Fort that is a vocabulary of small and large stone steps adjusted onto the landings connecting a 4% ramp in a zig zag

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

The terraces of the fort are located along their entire length at the main facade of the GHR building and delimit the eastern side of the Place d’Armes before turning north on the threshing floor, after receiving the Mucem footbridge. Wooden seats can reinforce the comfort of outdoor use. The terraces of the Fort shape the difference in height that joins the eastern part of the Fort by a vocabulary of small and large stone steps adjusted onto the landings connecting a 4% ramp in a zig zag. The ramp climbs up from place d’Armes to reach the footbridge or slide higher into the thickness of dry-stone terraces that support the gardens of the hill.

▼退臺式休息空間,設置木製的座椅區,the terraces of the Fort with wooden seats

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps


The terraces, a sort of green foliage theatre, constitute a major asset of the Fort by offering a generous space for the reception of the public or the organization of shows and cultural events in connection with the Mucem or the life of the city. To their southern end, the terraces are in the shade of the plant cover created by the grove of green oaks, evocative of the Mediterranean forest.

▼退臺式的休息空間南端由橡樹組成的小樹林,the grove of green oaks to the southern end of the terraces

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

10. 脫粒地板區 | The Threshing Floor


To the North of the terraces of the Fort, the threshing floor, visible from and beyond the footbridge is a rustic cobbled street next to dry vegetation. The Place d’Armes is aligned on the same altimetric plan. A large area without any vegetation is available for cultural events such as the setting up a “stage” in direct contact with the terraces.

▼脫粒地板區,可以與退臺式休息空間相結合,共同組成一個舞臺式空間,the threshing floor that can serve as a “stage” in direct contact with the terraces

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

11. 山地花園 | The Hill Gardens


At the top of the terraces the hill gardens are a space of freedom for the stroller. The landscape atmosphere which looks more nature-like evokes the great agro-sylva-pastoral tradition. The open path moves forward in the middle of the scented garrigue, and further on, olive and almond trees sitting on the stone terraces, come curling up to the embankment of the Saint Laurent horseman. A picnic area, with unlikely limits can be detected under the silver canopy of trees. Thanks to the thickness of the garrigue vegetation, areas with limited access to the public can be protected. A specific protection device can be hidden inside the vegetation if necessary.

▼山地花園,the hill gardens

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

12. 地中海民族植物學之旅空間 | The Ethnobotanical Journey of Emblematic Plants of the Mediterranean


The ethnobotanical journey of the emblematic plants of the Mediterranean unfolds its garden on the slope of the embankment which accompanies the Western walkway over more than two hundred linear meters, with exceptional view points on Marseille and its urban landmarks (cathedral Major, Saint Laurent church …). Two-sided views on the traditional use of plants in Muslim and Judeo-Christian cultures displayed at hand level to be touched and smelt, the great historical fresco to be seen on the wide flower bed of the garden is told by plants.

13. 聖約翰時代花園 | The Herb Garden of Saint John ‘s Day


We are now at the top of the remarkable staircase opening to the Lower Bastion. A small staircase allows the same place to reach the southern end of the wall walk of the Horseman of the city. On this path set back in a quiet place reigns a special atmosphere. This is where we can find the garden of herbs of Saint John’s day, favourable for magic.

14. 警衛室 | The Higher Level / Landing of the Guardhouse


The higher level of the guardhouse enables people to join the exhibitions located at G +1 of the F building.These visual and sound exhibitions will evoke the memory of plants and industries of Marseille and the Mediterranean. Thus the story of the trade of spices, coffee, oils and soaps, aniseed-flavoured goods, cotton and dyestuffs … will be told in the heart of the garden.

15. 艾蘭圖斯花園 | The Ailanthus Garden


Then behind, slightly up above the path, the garden of suckering ailanthus is deliberately bounded by the island to exacerbate its invasive role. It is an opportunity to remember the great deal of textiles, hemp, silk and cotton, as well as vegetal dyes that were widely traded for centuries.

16. Canebière和Auffes花園 | The Garden of Canebière and Auffes

Canebière和Auffes花園位於防禦工事景區下半部分空間的陸地上,享有絕佳的景觀視野,置身於其中,遊客們不僅可以看到防禦工事景區中充滿歷史感的森林,還可以俯瞰馬賽城市和Canebière大街的景觀。此外,花園中的一條步道還將狹窄的樓梯與山頂露臺連接在了一起。來到山頂露臺,遊客們不僅可以遠眺欣賞到整個城市的絕妙景色,更可以回望欣賞整個Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區的全貌。

The garden of Canebière and Auffes is lying on the embankment of the lower bastion. Beyond the forest of the masts of the old Port just at eye level, the view of the garden opens up onto the city and the Canebière. With hemp and “auffe”, this is an opportunity to talk about the importance of ropemakers and esparto goods in a port such as Marseille. Access to the inside of King René Tower is provided to connect the narrow staircase to the summit terrace which offers a superb view of the entire geography of the city. It also allows you to look back on the massive extent of Fort Saint Jean.

▼項目細節,details of the project

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

Fort Saint Jean防禦工事景區,法國 / Agence Aps

