
譯文取自Jeanne Kelly和Nathan K. Mao的譯本

1. 兩人吃得倒盡胃口,談話也不投機。

They completely lost their appetites while eating and couldn’t hit it off in their conversation either.


Appetite:when you want to eat food 食慾,胃口

loss/lack of appetite Symptoms include fever and loss of appetite.

·I’m a bit worried about her lack of appetite.

hit it off

·to like someone and become friendly immediately (與某人)相處得好,合得來

•I didn’t really hit it off with his friends.


2. 鮑小姐怫道:“我就那樣黑麼?”方鴻漸固執地申辯道:“我就愛你這顏色。我今年在西班牙,看見一個有名的美人跳舞,她皮膚只比外國燻火腿的顏色淡一點兒。”

she asked heatedly. Stubbornly trying to justify himself, he argued, “But I like your color. This year in Spain I saw a famous beauty dancing. He skin was just a little lighter than a smoked ham.”


Heated:(討論或爭吵)激烈的 A heated discussion or quarrel is one where the people involved are angry and excited.

·It was a very heated argument and they were shouting at each other...


Stubborn:describes someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else 頑固的,執拗的,倔強的

•They have massive rows because they’re both so stubborn.他們倆吵得很兇,因為他們兩個人都很固執。

be as stubborn as a mule :to be very stubborn 倔得像頭驢子,非常固執

3. 鮑小姐的回答毫不合邏輯:“也許你喜歡蘇小姐死魚肚那樣的白。你自已就是掃煙囪的小黑炭,不照照鏡子!”說著勝利地笑。

"Maybe you like Miss Su’ s dead-fish-belly white. You yourself are as black as a chimney sweep. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror,” she answered him none too logically. With that she flashed a triumphant smile.


死魚肚那樣的白:直接把名詞用分隔符連起來做了形容詞:dead-fish-belly white

Chimney sweep:a person whose job is to clean inside chimneys, usually using a set of brushes with a very long handle 煙囪清掃工

none too :not very 不太

•He seemed none too happy/pleased at the prospect of meeting the family.他似乎對即將見到家人並不是太開心。

Flash:If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them.

·I flashed a look at Sue... 我向休瞥了一眼。

·Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile. 梅格衝茜茜感激地笑了一笑。

4. 過一會,不知怎樣鮑小姐又講起她未婚夫李醫生,說他也是虔誠的基督教徒。

After a while she somehow managed to bring up Dr. Li, her fiancé, saying he was a devout Christian.

這裡的bring up不是我熟悉的“養育、撫養”的意思,而是to mention a subject or start to talk about it

·Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?

5. 方鴻漸正滿肚子委屈,聽到這話,心裡作惡,想信教在鮑小姐的行為上全沒影響,只好借李醫生來諷刺,便說:“信基督教的人,怎樣做醫生?”

Already piqued, Fang became disgusted upon hearing this. Since religious belief hadn’t had the slightest effect on her

behavior, he’d just have to use Dr. Li to get in a few digs at her, he thought. “How can a Christian practice medicine?” he asked.


Piqued:(常指為小事)生氣的,惱怒的,慍怒的 If someone is piqued, they are offended or annoyed, often by something that is not very important.

·Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge...


Get in:插(話) If you get something in, you eventually succeed in saying it, usually when a lot of people are talking at the same time or one person is talking without stopping.

·It was hard to get a word in.


Dig:a remark which is intended to criticize, embarrass or make a joke about someone 奚落,取笑,嘲笑

•He’s always having/taking/making digs at me.他總是奚落我。

