英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的

Confine means to keep within bounds, to keep in a limited space or area.

Confine <strong>implies that someone has the power to keep a person in a certain space. This can be most easily described through a prison.


<strong>The judge said, "I confine <strong>this person to jail for 30 days.” (The judge has the power)


<strong>I feel like I am confined <strong>in the house due to the rain these days. (The nature has the power)


Confine 限制、紧闭。尤指限制行动自由的空间边界,引申为学科或活动领域的范围限制。

英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的区别

Constrain means to <strong>force physically by strong persuasion, to compel, to oblige. It is used more in the sense of space limits, restrictions, or controls.


<strong>Government laws must not constrain <strong>innovation of people.


<strong>The police hope to take actions to constrain <strong>violence.


Constrain 控制、压制的意思。

英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的区别

Restrain means to hold back or stop someone or something from doing something, to <strong>prevent somebody from doing something.

Restrain 克制。Restrain oneself 自制,克制自己,约束自己


<strong>I wanted to eat more, but for the health purpose, I restrained <strong>myself.


英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的区别

Restrict means to make a rule, law, or regulation usually set by people in charge. RESTRICT is often stronger than LIMIT and <strong>there will be a fine or punishment for violating a restriction.


<strong>The city restricts <strong>the use of Drones (无人机)


<strong>The school restricts <strong>the use of smart phones in school.


Restrict 约束、限定。Restrict violation 违反限制

英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的区别

Limit is to describe the point of the end of possibility. Compare with RESTRICT, LIMIT is more like a guideline than a rule, which <strong>only tell the amount of something you can have/take.

Limit 标准,可量化的限制的尺度的意思。


<strong>My mother set a limit <strong>on how many hours I can watch TV every day.


<strong>Everyone should follow the speed limit <strong>during driving. (If the speed limit is 120 miles per hour, it’s better that your driving speed does not go faster than 120)


英语单词Confine, Constrain, Restrain, Restrict, Limit的区别

