

The dragon and the eagle have long been recognized as the symbols of China and the United States respectively. At the end of the eighteenth century, China was the oldest empire in the world, while the United States was the youngest republic.

龙鹰 中美贸易




Their initial relations began when the first American trading ship, the Empress of China, sailed from New York to Canton on Washington’s Birthday, February 22, 1784. The distinctive Stars and Stripes inspired the Chinese to refer to America as the “Flowery-Flag” country.


If the early trade and cultural exchanges between China and the United States, as well as life of Chinese people between 1784-1900 ever intrigue you, you may not want to miss this exhibition——THE DRAGON AND THE EAGLE: American Traders in China, A Century of Trade from 1784 to 1900.



Curated by the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, this long–planned exhibition aims to unfold the history of early Sino–American trade in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


The exhibition will be divided into five sections, namely “Dreaming of the East”, “Treaty Ports”, “Speeding up the Trade”, “Exotic Tastes”, and “Building a Community”.


It features selections from the prominent collections of the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Winterthur Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Peabody Essex Museum, the Independence Seaport Museum, the Baker Library, Harvard Business School, The Kelton Foundation, the Swire HK Archive Service, the HSBC Archives, and a number of local and US-based collectors.


展品:《美国老闸船在牛庄》,19世纪下半期,木板油彩,私人收藏 Exhibit: Oil Painting of an American lorcha in a port of Northeast China, in the second half of the 19th century



By showcasing valuable trade goods, export artefacts, nautical instruments, and archival materials, the exhibition demonstrates the two nations’ bilateral benefits in maritime trade, commerce and business, marine and nautical technologies, and social and cultural developments.


It also provides a platform for visitors to review our shared history. The exhibition runs through April 14, 2019.


周一至周五 9:30 - 17:30

周六、周日及公众假期 10:00 - 19:00


Venue: Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Address: Central Ferry Prier No.8

Dates: till April 14, 2019 (closed on February 5-6)

Opening hours: 9:30 - 17:30 from Monday to Friday; 10:00 - 19:00 on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays;


展品:《Nathan Kinsman 澳门宅邸走廊》,关乔昌,约1843年,英国 Martyn Gregory 画廊藏;作者关乔昌,又名林呱(1801-1860),外销画家,擅长肖像画,风格接近于当时流行的欧洲样式,在广州十三行设有画坊。

Exhibit: Painting of the corridor of a mansion in Macao, by Guan Qiaochang in 1843, from the Martyn Gregory Gallery in England. Guan was a painter who had a studio in the Thirteen Hongs and exported his works from Guangzhou.

Source: WeChat(丝路云帆)

