你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

Marriage is not just the union of two hearts, and not also just the union of two lives, but also the union of two families. — T.Josh Tabares.


你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

May 20 may be a normal day for many people worldwide, but in China, it is a special day for love. And this Chinese Valentine's Day of sorts is actually all about the sound.

Unlike other Valentine’s Day origins filled with legend stories, China's 20th day of May celebration, which originated from the Internet, is all based on the pronunciation of “5·20” (wǔ èr líng) that sounds pretty close to the word “I love you” in Chinese (wǒ ài nǐ). And with this gimmick, the day has become a perfect day to be brave and to express love.

好了,你們先秀著,我要去看電視了!聽說最近一檔相親節目很火,最主要的是戲 很 足 !

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

這是一檔 上 爸 媽 的相親節目。


New Chinese Dating Time,” a weekly dating show that lets parents choose partners for their kids, has topped the national TV ratings in China since it debuted on Jiangsu Satellite Television in March.

To win a potential husband/wife on this Chinese dating show, the candidate has to win over his/her parents first.


你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!



你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


Mr. Chao, a 25-year-old man from central China’s Henan Province, has been on stage for three episodes. He was known by many audience members and netizens for his mother’s witty replies on stage.

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In this episode, Chao was rejected several times by the ladies before someone finally chose him. Ms. Zeng, a 25-year-old divorced teacher, saw Chao on the TV show and signed up to show her love on the stage.

面對告白,他的回答卻讓現場氣氛瞬 間 凝 固 ——

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


“You are looking for a husband and I think I’m still a son,” he said. “I think we can start our relationship as friends.”

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The anchor said, “You have the right to reject others, but please withdraw your words about starting as friends, because it means starting a relationship for the lady.”

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


His immature response ignited a backlash among Chinese social media users soon after the episode aired.

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“I agree with the anchor. He rejected the lady on stage and then wanted to start to know her as friends off stage? It does not make any sense.”

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

“I think he hurt the lady, and wasted all the staff’s hard work.”

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

“He’s still his mom’s baby. When criticized by the anchor, his first reaction was to turn around and seek support from his mother.”



Chinese Dating with the Parents,” a similar dating show that gets parents involved, debuted in December 2016 and finished its second season last month.

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

早些年曾買進《非誠勿擾》的澳大利亞SBS廣播公司(Special Broadcasting Service)年初又入手了這檔節目,並且在網站上,給出了“很誘人”的劇情介紹。

SBS has been delivering “If You Are the One” for a few years. According to fashionjournal.com, “the network is now fueling our obsession with Chinese dating shows further, airing ‘Chinese Dating with the Parents.’”

“Any potential partners must go through an intensive and grueling interrogation with the contestant’s parents to proceed to the next stage,” reads the SBS site.


On the show, parents' requirements for their children's ideal spouses are often blunt and materialistic.

前 方 高 能 ↓ ↓ ↓

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!

The show has drawn viewers and generated lively discussions on social media.

你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!



你們都在秀恩愛 我卻帶著爸媽談戀愛!


According to many media reports, it’s quite common to see elderly parents gather at the famous blind date corner in some public parks, trying to find matches for their children by exchanging their children's personal information with other parents.

Blind dating in China isn't just limited to singles; many worried parents are also getting involved.

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Pretending to be one of the “single ladies” who was “advertising” herself, Guo Yinguang, a 25-year-old artist, made a photography project on China’s marriage market. She went to the blind date corner in Shanghai’s People’s Park and captured the reactions of various questioners with her hidden camera.

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She was so upset by these questions that the first time she shot footage, she had to stop after five minutes to leave and calm down.

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But after developing the film, she realized she had neglected something – most parents in her pictures were unhappy and anxious. They might just have their own ways of trying to mitigate their anxieties.





