

Also known as a short black, is approximately one ounce of highly concentrated coffee. Although simple in appearance, it can be difficult to master.


Words & Expressions

①espresso [eˈspresəʊ] n.浓咖啡

②ounce [aʊns] n. 盎司;少量


You can make this type of coffee simply by adding hot water to a shot of espresso coffee. It’s been said that American soldiers during the Second World War would drink this coffee to make their beverages last longer.


Words & Expressions

①americano [əˌmerɪˈkɑːnəʊ]



The word “macchiato” means mark or stain. This is in reference to the mark that steamed milk leaves on the surface of the espresso as it is dashed into the drink. Flavoring syrups are often added to the drink according to the customer preference, e.g. Caramel Macchiato.


Words & Expressions

①macchiato [ˌmækiˈɑːtəʊ]


②syrup [ˈsɪrəp] n. 糖浆,果汁

③caramel [ˈkærəmel] n. 焦糖


Possibly the most popular type of coffee in the world, a cappuccino consists of three layers (kind of like a cake). The first is a shot of espresso, then a shot of steamed milk, and finally the barista adds a layer of frothed, foamy milk. This final layer can also be topped with chocolate shavings or powder.


Words & Expressions

①cappuccino [ˌkæpuˈtʃiːnəʊ]

n. 卡布奇诺咖啡

②barista [ bəˈrɪstə] n.咖啡师

③frothed [frɒθt] adj.起泡沫的

5.Flat White

It originates from New Zealand and Austrilia and is very similar to a cappuccino but lacks the foam layer and chocolate powder. To keep the drink creamy rather than frothy, steamed milk from the bottom of the jug is used instead of from the top.


Words & Expressions

①New Zealand ['zilənd] 新西兰

6.Cafe Latte

Cafe lattes are considered to be an introductory coffee drink since the acidity and bitterness of coffee is cut by the amount of milk in the beverage.Flavoring syrups are often added to the latte for those who enjoy sweeter drinks.


Words & Expressions

①latte [ˈlɑːteɪ] n.拿铁咖啡

②acidity [əˈsɪdəti] n. 酸度

③bitterness [ˈbɪtənəs] n.苦味


The mocha is considered to be like a coffee and hot chocolate hybrid. The chocolate powder or syrup gives it a rich and creamy flavor and cuts the acidity of the espresso.


Words & Expressions

①mocha [ˈmɒkə] n.摩卡咖啡

8.Iced Coffee

Iced coffees become very popular in the summer time in the United States. The recipes do have some variance, with some locations choosing to interchange milk with water in the recipe. Often, different flavoring syrups will be added with the preference of the customer.


Words & Expressions

①recipe [ˈresəpi] n.食谱;配方

②interchange [ˈɪntərtʃeɪndʒ]


v. 交换;(使)互换位置