【English 祝福


雙喜臨門,That's icing on the cake.

一切順利,I'd like to wish you every success.

祝賀成功,Allow me to congratulate you on your success.

衷心祝賀,Please accept my sincere congratulations.

不勝感激,I can't thank you enough.

謝謝周到,Thank you / I'm grateful for your thoughtfulness.


In a strong wind, even turkeys/pigs can fly,站在時代前沿,獲得巨大成功

when pigs can fly,絕不可能

a pig of a man,令人討厭的人

a pig to sb.,令某人討厭的人

Make( a bit of)a pig of myself,我吃得過多

How can you live in such a mess? You are really a pig! 真是頭豬!

—In pig's eye! 不可能,吹牛!


I'm easy. / I'm cool with everything/ I don't care.

It's up to you. / As you wish./ Suit yourself.


The contract says,合同上寫

write a report, 寫報告

do homework,寫作業

Says who! 拉倒吧才不是!

Say when.夠了就喊停說一聲

OK / That's enough

Fill to the brim邊緣 / Half a cup 半杯

read it on the Wechat account 看(閱讀深入瞭解)

manage to keep so slender,苗條

manage to keep it off減下去

work out to keep fit. 鍛鍊保持身體健康


冷笑話=dry jokes (冷幽默)

has a dry sense of humour

That's funny ,很無聊/ 奇怪

This is a funny joke.笑話好笑

a funny company 非法公司

a fun company , 有趣的公司

have a joke (with you),和你開玩笑

play a joke (on you),捉弄你

play games with you,挑逗

self-deprecating(否決的) humor,自黑


自找的,You asked for it. You deserve it!

自作自受,You get what you deserve.

自找麻煩,You are bringing trouble upon yourself.

自討苦吃,You could really hurt yourself doing that.

和老闆談一下, Can you spare me one minute?

閒聊,chat with

我倆不說話了,We are not speaking.


scarcely/ hardly,幾乎不/不怎麼detect / notice / discover 觀察

Do I detect a note of 一絲sarcasm 諷刺/嘲笑in your voice?

with a critical eye 挑剔的眼光

he was forced to acknowledge her figure 體態to be light and pleasing輕盈,惹人喜愛;in spite of儘管/不顧

his asserting主張/聲明 that her manners were not those of the fashionable world上流社會

he was caught迷住 by their easy playfulness


I am fond of superior society,喜歡上流社會

but I did not feel quite certain that ,不確定

the air of London would agree with Lady Lucas.,適合

He paused in hopes of an answer,指望對方回答

but his companion was not disposed(傾向打算) to make any 對方根本就懶得回答