【English 瑣碎小詞】

支持,back you up

輸贏,winning and losing

在於,lie in

懷疑恐懼,in doubts and fears

後退,walk backwards

承受失敗,endure failure

不氣餒,without being discouraged

安逸寧靜,in ease and quiet

微妙的平衡,delicate balance

奮鬥,struggle for the future

良方,the best cure

無聊墮落,boredom and poverty

驅逐流放,banish vt.


遠勝過,be far better than

先苦後甜,business before pleasure

超越,be superior to

豁達者,the open-minded

舒適生活,easy life

考驗/考場,test,a place of trial


聆聽意見,take criticism

保留判斷,reserve judgement

必然一定,be bound to do


行得通,work out

白費力氣,in vain