【English new year新年】


手機沒電,Out of juice

回電話,return your call

狂飲作樂,On the juice

自作自受,Stew in one's own juice

充滿活力,Juice/cheer up


吃喝玩樂,Live it up

離開出發,Hit the road

達標,hit the target

趕快加緊,Get a move on

離別最後一杯酒,have one for the road

暗戀,have a crush on sb

輕聲甜言蜜語,whispering sweet nothings

哄說好話,sweet-talk sb into sth

好打交道,the easiest person

哄做某事,keep sb sweet

豐厚獎金,a big fat bonus

new year

嶄新的,a brand new

春節聯歡晚會,Chinese New Year Gala

相聲,Cross talk

壓軸,Grand finale

同母異父,half brother/sister


Warm greetings殷殷祝福 and best wishes for

happiness and good luck萬事如意 in the coming year.

恭喜發財,May many fortunes find their ways to you!

值一大筆,worth a fortune

賺一大筆,make a fortune

轉運,fortune will turn

好運, good fortune


大吉大利,have an enriching and pleasant

心想事成, fulfill all your dreams

闔家幸福,Wishing you and your family the best of the world


欠人情,owe you one

感謝幫忙,truly appreciate/gratitude your timely help.

打心底,from the bottom of my heart.

粗分類法,broad classification

由-組成,consists of

包著餡兒,be wrapped around a filling

視為貢獻,should be regarded as tribute to

甩後面,leave far behind

被甩, fall behind

痠痛,feel sore

健身,The workout