
2020年2月24日鼠年,春節前後是我們每個中國人切記的日子,新冠狀病毒Novel Coronavirus


Make sure always wear a mask when you go out to prevent the spread of virus


Lockdown yourself indoor to try to contain(阻止) the virus further spread and away from the crowds unless it’s really necessary

把你自己鎖在室內,試圖控制病毒進一步 傳播,遠離人群,除非真的有必要

Wash your hands properly - soap or hand gel can kill the virus


Cover you mouth and nose with a tissue when you coughing or sneezing ,afterwards wash your hands


Don’t touch your eyes ,nose , mouth if your hands touch a surface polluted by virus


Don't close to infected people and keep at least 1 meter distance to people coughing, sneezing or with a fever ,the virus was transmitted through respiratory droplets(呼吸道飛沫)


If you feel uncomfortable, having these symptoms of coronavirus such as: a fever, dry cough, headach, tiredness, muscle pain, after a week leads to breathing difficulties(呼吸困難),make sure stay where you are and call xxxx immediately until the health staffs come on the scene.
