

英文名為“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”,簡稱為“NCP”。



新型冠狀病毒 novel coronavirus pneumonia

嚴重急性呼吸綜合徵(非典型性肺炎)SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

中東呼吸綜合徵 MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)

肺炎 pneumonia

新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎 pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus/novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia

病毒 virus

傳染病 epidemic/infectious disease

流行病學家 epidemiologist

爆發 outbreak

乙類傳染病 category-B infectious diseases

人傳人 person-to-person transmission/human-to-human transmission

感染、傳染 infect

汙染 contaminate

吃野味 eating wildlife

確診病例 confirmed case (of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus)

疑似病例 suspected case

超級傳播者 super-spreader

病毒的動物宿主 animal host

密切接觸者 close contact

臨床症狀 clinical signs and symptoms

發熱、咳嗽、呼吸困難 fever, cough and difficulty in breathing

雙肺浸潤性病灶 invasive lesions of both lungs

發病率 incidence rate

致死率 fatality/mortality/death rate

發熱門診 fever clinic

發熱病人 fever patient

重症患者 patient in critical condition / patient who is severely ill

病情穩定 be in stable condition

口罩 (face) mask

防護服 protective gowns/clothing/gear/suits

護目鏡 goggles

一次性手套 disposable gloves

醫療物資 medical supplies

疫苗 vaccine

潛伏期 incubation period

飛沫傳播 droplet transmission

輸入性病例(也稱一代病例)imported case

二代病例 secondary infection case

隱性感染 asymptomatic infection

疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control

病原鑑定 pathogen identification

病因溯源 the tracing of the cause

自我隔離 quarantine oneself

監測體溫 monitor/check body temperature

自覺接受醫學觀察 voluntarily put oneself under medical observation

解除醫學觀察 be discharged from medical observation

診斷、治療、追蹤和篩查 diagnosis, treatment, tracing and screening

開展流行病學調查 conduct epidemiological investigations

早發現、早隔離 early detection and early isolation

遏制疫情蔓延 contain the epidemic

封城 the lockdown of a city/a city is on lockdown

延長春節假期 extend the Spring Festival holiday

世界衛生組織 World Health Organization (WHO)

世界衛生組織駐華代表處 WHO China Country Office

國際關注的突發公共衛生事件 Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

啟動重大突發公共衛生事件一級響應 activate first-level public health emergency response (mechanism)

定點醫院 designated hospital

應急醫院 makeshift hospital

各級醫療衛生機構 medical and health institutions at various levels

一線醫護人員 front-line medical workers

中國工程院院士 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

武漢華南海鮮批發市場 Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market/Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market/Wuhan Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market

武漢市金銀潭醫院 Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital

武漢市中心醫院 Wuhan Central Hospital

小湯山醫院 Xiaotangshan Hospital

火神山醫院 Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital

雷神山醫院 Leishenshan (Thunder God Mountain) Hospital

中國人民解放軍疾病預防控制中心 the PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention

國家衛生健康委員會 National Health Commission

湖北省衛生健康委員會 Health Commission of Hubei Province

武漢市衛生健康委員會 Wuhan Municipal Health Commission

中國紅十字會 Red Cross Society of China

中國紅十字基金會 Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF)

瞞報 underreport


