Have two left feet不要翻譯成「兩隻左腳」,老外會笑死!

英英最近報名了一個舞蹈班,剛學沒幾天,就在朋友面前炫耀。看過之後,朋友卻笑著說:You have two left feet. 英英就納悶了,這是數學還給老師了,誰會有兩隻左腳啊?

Have two left feet=擁有兩隻左腳的人?

想象一下,如果一個人用兩隻左腳跳舞,是不是顯得很笨拙?所以,Have two left feet 就用來形容人“舞姿生硬/笨拙的模樣”。這樣的說法比Not good at dancing (不會跳舞)好,因為後者帶有評論語氣,會容易傷人。

I never learned to dance because I've got two left feet.我從來就沒學會跳舞,因為我的動作極其笨拙。


Shot oneself in the foot:直譯是“開槍打中了自己的腳”。這成語源自美國,是說人笨手笨腳,想開槍打人家,卻失手打傷了自己的腳,意思跟“搬起石頭砸自己的腳”差不多。The senator shot himself in the foot when he called his opponent names, which reflected badly on his political maturity.那個參議員辱罵對手,顯得政治上還不成熟。他是搬起石頭砸自己的腳了。Get cold feet:臨陣脫逃I get cold feet whenever I have to speak in front of a crowd.每當我必須在一群人面前說話時,我都會臨陣退縮。Foot the bill:買單的意思,並不是把賬單踩到腳底下哦!This time, let me foot the bill.這次讓我來買單吧!Foot in the door:成功的開始,得到 ... 的第一步。A good resume gets your foot in the door and will determine if you actually get to the next step——a job interview!好的簡歷是你成功求職的敲門磚,直接決定了是否能夠進行到下一步——一個面試機會!