外研版丨七年級下冊英語Module 7~Module8知識點總結!

外研版丨七年級下冊英語Module 7~Module8知識點總結!

Module 7


1. the name of ... ……的名字

2. on the east coast 在東海岸

3. primary school 小學

4. twelve years ago 十二年以前

5. lots of 很多

6. go back 回去

7. movie stars 電影明星

8. living room 客廳


1. Where were you born?


2. Who was your first teacher?


3. What were they like?


4. There was a garden with lots of trees in it.


5. It was great to play there.


6. I am looking forward to seeing my friends again.


7. I was very good.



本模塊課文中我們見到了一般過去時態,今天我們先來學習一下 be 動詞的一般過去式吧。am 和 is 的過去式為 was;are 的過去式為 were。


1. 肯定句:主語 + was (were) + 表語。如:I was at school yesterday. 昨天我在學校。

2. 否定句:主語 + was (were) + not + 表語。

如:We weren't at home yesterday. 昨天我們沒在家。

He wasn't in the library this morning. 今天早上他沒在圖書館。

3. 一般疑問句:Was (Were) + 主語 + 表語?

肯定回答:Yes,主語(代詞)+ was / were。

否定回答:No,主語(代詞)+ wasn't / weren't。

如:— Were you happy yesterday? 你昨天高興嗎?

— Yes, I was. 是的,我高興。/ No, I wasn't. 不,我不高興。

— Was Kelly at home last night? 凱麗昨晚在家嗎?

— Yes, she was. 是的,她在。/ No, she wasn't. 不,她不在。


Step 1 寫作任務

假如你是大明,你們班的交換生託尼向你講述了一些有關他在美國過去的生活。請根據表格中的內容提示,以“Tony's past life”為題, 寫一篇 70 詞左右的文章。

外研版丨七年級下冊英語Module 7~Module8知識點總結!

Step 2 詞彙聯想

1. 好朋友 good friend

2. 出生 be born

3. 小鎮 small town

4. 在……前面 in front of...

Step 3 常用句型

1. be from... 來自……

2. There were/was... 過去有……

Step 4 思路點撥

第一部分 先簡單介紹一下託尼是我的朋友,他的出生日期和出生地。Tony is my good friend. He was born on July 12th, 2003 in a small town ...

第二部分 再具體介紹託尼過去的房子的樣子及其周圍的東西。His house was big and comfortable with many rooms. There were many trees ...

第三部分 最後再介紹託尼周圍的人以及朋友和老師。The people in the town were all friendly to Tony. Many children were his friends.

Step 5 範文展示

Tony's past life

Tony is my good friend. He is from America. He studies in our class now. He was born on July 12th, 2003 in a small town near New York. His house was big and comfortable with many rooms. There were many trees in front of the house. And there was a big garden behind the house. The people in the town were all friendly to Tony. Many children were his friends. His primary school was in the town too. His first teacher was Miss Green. She was very beautiful.

Module 8


1. once upon a time 從前

2. all alone 獨個兒

3. pick up 拿起;舉起

4. in pieces 破碎

5. look around 環顧四周

6. knock on 敲

7. wait a moment 等一會兒

8. sit down 坐下

9. hurry out of 匆匆出來

10. at first 起初;首先

11. go for a walk 散步

12. point at 指向


1. There's nothing in ...


2. There was nobody there.


3. Did sb do sth?



上期我們學習了 be 動詞的一般過去時,那麼行為動詞過去式的構成規則你們瞭解嗎?一起來看看吧。

1. 行為動詞過去式的構成:


(1)一般在動詞後加-ed。如:work —worked, start — started, collect — collected

(2)以不發音的字母 e 結尾的動詞後,只加 -d。

如:like — liked, hope — hoped

(3)以“輔音字母 + y”結尾的動詞後,則改 y 為 i,再加 -ed。

如:carry — carried, hurry — hurried, cry — cried

(4)以重讀閉音節結尾且末尾只有一個輔音字 母的動詞時,雙寫這個輔音字母,再加 -ed。

如:plan — planned

2. 規則動詞一般過去時的句式變化

(1) 肯定句:主語 + 規則動詞的過去式 + 其 他。

如:They cleaned the room yesterday. 他們昨天打掃了房間。

(2) 否定句:主語 + did not / didn't + 規則動 詞原形 + 其他。

如:I didn't plan to see him this morning. 今天上午我沒計劃見他。

(3) 一般疑問句:Did + 主語 + 規則動詞原形 + 其他?

肯定回答:Yes, 主語(代詞)+ did。

否定回答:No, 主語(代詞)+ didn't。

如:— Did they talk about the film last night? 昨晚他們討論那部電影了嗎?

— Yes, they did. / No, they didn't. 是的,他們討論了。/不,他們沒有討論。


Step 1 寫作任務

假如你是芳芳,你的筆友 David 來信問你上週六和家人都做了什麼事。請根據提示寫封回信。要求:語句通順,語法正確,70 詞左右。

外研版丨七年級下冊英語Module 7~Module8知識點總結!

Step 2 詞彙聯想

1. 聽新聞 listen to the news

2. 做家務 do housework

3. 參觀博物館 visit the museum

4. 做一頓豐盛的飯 cook a big meal

Step 3 常用句型

1. be happy to do sth 做某事很高興

2. Sb + did sth 某人做了什麼……

Step 4 思路點撥

第一部分 先簡單介紹一下對收到來信的喜悅及 要回覆信件的大概內容。I'm very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you what my family and I did last Saturday.

第二部分 再按照時間順序具體介紹上週六所做的事情。In the morning, my ... In the afternoon, ... What about me? ...

第三部分 最後再表達希望收到對方的回信。I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Step 5 範文展示

Dear David,

I'm very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you what my family and I did last Saturday.

In the morning, my grandfather and grandmother watched TV. My father listened to the news. My mother did housework and I visited the museum with my friends. In the afternoon, my grandfather walked in the park. My father played basketball with his friends. My mother cooked a big meal with my grandmother for the family. What about me? I visited my English teacher. What did you do last Saturday?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.




