給特朗普總統的一封信 A letter to president Trump


















President Trump,

I am an English teacher in Wuhan. I have something to say to you.

In 2016, when you were running for the 45th president of the United States, I prayed to God for you. It's not just because you're a Christian. I read your moving stories: you helped the Hills. You were 40 years old and full of justice. You also got Connor off drugs. In 1988, you saved the life of a 3-year-old boy with your own private plane.

You impressed me in general that you are a good father and successfully rich.

However, after the 2019 Wuhan Military Games, your words and deeds overturned my understanding of you.

Before the military games, I heard that there was a pandemic in the United States, and many people died. I asked my friends in North America. They told me it was a normal cold and not to worry. So, you always insist on not wearing masks.

To my surprise, the corona virus cases in the US jumped to more than one million in May 2020.

It's unexpected that you, as a head of state, take political status and economic achievements more seriously than people's health. You avoid questions from reporters about the prevention and control of the epidemic, lie constantly, cover up and contradict each other in your speeches.

Seeing you as a dishonest and arrogant president, I began to doubt whether you really believe in the Lord. Because true believers know how to love God and men, rather than to make people groan and provoke God’s wrath.

What's more, in order to shirk the responsibility, you began to stigmatize China, dump the blame to Wuhan laboratory, and also encouraged your allies to claim compensation from China.

I want to say to you:

1) You can check the time of 2019 influenza in the United States, the time of Wuhan military games, the time when the virus infected people in South China seafood market in Wuhan, and the case before November last year in Europe. You may know the source of the virus.

2) Wuhan was shut down on January 23. What have you done with Pompeo in the past three months?

3) I watched your prayer video in the White House. But I want to remind you that God searches man‘s heart, he does not look at the appearance.

4) Don't you think it's ridiculous for you of seventies to make such a farce of claim?

5) Your enemy is not Wuhan, not China. Our common enemy is Satan, the virus.

Pan Xun

Wuhan, May 7, 2020

