揭祕好萊塢 1 變形金剛 - 沒有情感的人工智能危險嗎?

揭秘好萊塢 1 變形金剛 - 沒有情感的人工智能危險嗎?

This program is brought to you by Emory University. Everything humans know of our planet


we were told have been shared. You lied to us. You've made a grief mistake.

一切瞭解都已經告訴了我們。你對我們說謊了 你犯了一個嚴重的錯誤。

Isaac Asimov created the 3 laws of Robotics, that is, he suggested in one of his science fiction works

Isaac Asimov訂立了機器人三大定律,他在他的一本科幻小學裡提出這三大定律

but it then spread, that a robot needs to be inculcated with 3 ideas.


One is, I would never let a human come to harm. I would never harm a human.

一條是 我永遠不會讓人類受到傷害。我永遠不會傷害人類。

And that I would protect myself except in so far as it violates one of the first 2 rules.

在不違反前兩條的情況下 我會保護自己。

A robot can't protect itself at the expense of human life or human harm.

機器人不能保護自己 如果代價是讓人類受到傷害。

So what you have often, when you have science fiction stories or movies


about robots gone bad, is how did they would go around some of this protections that


we assumed were built into robots when we create them,because what we don't want


is robots going around killing human beings. Now there are 2 interesting ways to get around that.


One is to… what about robot soldiers, right? So robot soldiers have to protect you but kill the enemies.

其中一個是 機器人戰士?機器人戰士要保護你 但它要殺死敵人。

So there have been some science fiction that have tried to use that vehicle.

所以有些科幻作品 嘗試從這個途徑借題發揮。

But what Transformers does is it takes another tack which is what about alien robots?

但變形金剛裡取採另一個途徑 外星機器人?

Alien robots are not necessarily designed by us to protect us.So they get the opportunity to create good robots and bad robots.


I think that this does tap into a very deep fear we have of our creations not being willing to protect us.

我想這正中了我們害怕自己創造出來的 東西不願意保護自己的深層恐懼。

And I think it's a direct line back to even Frankenstein and the idea of creating even organic form that goes out of control.

我想這種觀點能夠一直追溯回科學怪人 以及製造出的生命體都不受控制這種構想上。

And it's the idea that we're creatures that are characterized by our creating things.

有一種觀點… 我們是一種以製造為特徵的生物。

We are tool-making creatures. We are surrounded at all time by the things we create.


Right now sitting in this room, there isn't a single thing we can look at,


we can see that wasn't created by human beings. So we always worried that


the products in our hands will somehow harm us, hurt us-whether we're talking about global warming


or whether we're talking about robotics. So what Transformers does is that it plays on that fear


that these created creatures are going to come back to haunt us, are going to come back to hurt us.


Now this happen to be aliens but it still plays to that idea that human beings at least have a conscious or a soul

這部電影的敵人是外星機器人 但它的主題還是說 人類至少有意識有靈魂

or whatever you wanna talk about that we can appeal to or try to get access to,

諸如此類的東西 我們能夠將其作為對象進行懇求或影響,

to try to stop them from doing the wrong thing. But the robot we're never sure.


When artificial intelligence first got underway in its early daysit thought that human mental processing was rational

當最早開始研究人工智能時 我們以為人類的思維過程是理性的

and that if it could mimic it, it could then create an artificial intelligence


that was similar to human intelligence. And what it underestimated in the beginning


was the powerful part that are emotional-lives and brains- play in the way in which we think about the world

我們的情感 在我們思考世界的方式

and even in the way in which we make decisions. And so now you get to the question of how do we create robots

甚至在我們作決定的方式中起了巨大的作用。所以現在我們的問題是 我們要如何製造出

that will somehow think like human beings and not by the way like computers

像人類一樣思考的機器人 不是像電腦那樣思考

because we already have computers to think like computers. And maybe we can already create some primitive robots


that think like computers but as we all know computers do not think like human beings

原始機器人 但我們都知道電腦是不像人類那樣思考的

and so they maybe very good at playing chess but they actually play chess very differently than we play chess.

所以就算電腦很會下棋 但它們下棋的思路跟我們人類的不同。

They just can quickly calculate millions and millions of moves but we use something we call intuition

它們只是迅速計算出幾百萬個走法 但我們利用的是我們的直覺

or sort of like a star view of what's going on to not have to go through all the moves that

或者說一種對棋勢的直觀感受 所以我們不用想出所有可能的走法

the great chess master knows won't get them anywhere, right? So they can look at a finite number of moves.


Whether we will ever be able to create artificial life that can combine that emotional piece

我們能不能創造出具有情感的 人工生命

is really an interesting question and one that nobody knows the answer to.

真的是一個有趣的問題 現在還沒有人知道這個問題的答案。

We don't understand how emotion works in the brain. We don't understand how the limbic system works


which is the seed of emotion. We don't even understand how the limbic system


really interacts with the prefrontal cortex, another place in the brain


where more rational thought is processed. So we certainly can't begin to create that in robots


at least until we understand it in ourselves.


