

託口而出180113 | 說服別人竟然有這麼難?!




★Task1: Your professor is planning to require students to work on all projects in a group. What is an advantage and a disadvantage of working on group projects?

關於group work或者team work的好處之前已經出過許多類似的題目,所以難度兩星半,優點也比較好想,例如“two minds are better than one”(三個臭皮匠頂一個諸葛亮)啦,exchange ideas and opinions啦,交朋友啦,都可以用;那麼缺點是什麼呢?比如一個team裡面大家分工不均,有些人出力多,有些人就只負責“划水”,但是結果因為是團隊作業,大家成績一樣,那肯定一些幹活多的人會有些不樂意啦,覺得unfair,所以這個可以作為一個缺點來展開討論。

Personally, I think in a group environment, students are less likely to procrastinate. Taking myself as an example, it is easy for me to postpone a project when I work by myself. However, when I realize I have a whole group of people counting on me, I will get the work done as soon as possible. But as a coin has two sides, team work also has some drawbacks, for example, the result of team project sometimes cannot represent individual’s performance, especially when some members devote more than others. However, if everyone gets the same result, those hard-working people may feel unfair and disappointed somehow, and this will greatly affect their motivation in the following group projects.

★Task2: Family members or friends often talk about some controversial issues like politics. Some people prefer to convince their family members or friends to agree with their opinions; other people do not prefer to do so. Which way do you prefer and why?

這一題簡而言之就是問你遇到爭議時,是更願意說服別人聽你的還是可以各持己見。這道題目兩個角度都可以回答,比如你就是喜歡說服別人,OK啊,你就可以直接take myself as an example, I am that kind of person who likes to persuade others…後面可以跟上具體怎麼樣說服別人的,動之以情,曉之以理,或者最為推薦大家使用的for example, 直接舉例子,用自己成功說服別人的案例來證明自己超強的語言能力;那本著“人權至上”的理念,當然也可以選擇各持己見,每個人對於同一件事都有自己不同的看法觀點,我們不能強迫別人硬接受我們的觀念,而且我們的觀點也不一定就是100%正確的,那憑啥別人要聽你的呢,(facts speak louder than words)事實勝於雄辯,沒有證據支持的觀點就是空談,並沒有說服力。這裡的sample選擇的立場是各持己見,給大家一個參考:

I don’t think it’s a good idea to always convince others when there are different points of view. Because firstly, we cannot force others to believe in our beliefs, as it is people’s right to defend their own choice and opinion. We should respect those different voices so that we can look at one thing from different angles as well as broadening our scope. Secondly, it is not always the case that our thoughts are absolutely accurate. Sometimes we are just overconfident with ourselves. So, it’s not reasonable to let others completely trust our opinions without enough proof and evidence. After all, facts speak louder than words.

託口而出180113 | 說服別人竟然有這麼難?!




