2020年高考英語考綱詞彙通關第三週測試卷(Day 11--Day 15)



一、單詞拼寫 請根據句意和漢語提示填入一個恰當的英語單詞(注意形式)。共25小題,每小題1分,滿分25分。

1. Instead of being spoiled, children should eat bitter food to learn to be frugal (節儉的), do hard work to learn to cherish, and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be _________(勇敢的).

2. What’s more, with scientific and technological _________(突破), e-book will be more convenient and comfortable for people to use.

3. When people _________(呼吸) the polluted air or drink the polluted water, they may get ill.

4. On behalf of our group, I’d like to give a _________(簡潔的) summary of our discussion on the topic “Is Recycling Textbook a Good suggestion?”

5. With a reasonable _________(預算), I can save more than 20% of my money every month, which used to be spent on unnecessary things.

6. As far as I am concerned, the schools should take measures to reduce the heavy schoolwork _________(負擔) of the students.

7. Upon hearing the funny story, everybody _________(爆發) into laughter.

8. If there is a crisis (危機), we are supposed to remain _________(鎮定的), ensure we are safe and then call for help.

9. Some students think that listening test should not be _________(取消).

10. Now I am the No. 1 _________(選手) for the English Speaking Contest in our school, owing to my excellent performance in English.

11. At the beginning of the year, a heavy snowstorm hit Hunan, Guizhou and several other provinces, _________(造成) a severe economic loss.

12. He is a _________(謹慎的) person, so whatever he does, he is not only discreet (慎重的) but careful as well.

13. In China, setting fireworks to _________(慶祝) the spring festival has a long history.

14. More than 6,000 people from all walks of life in Chaozhou took part in the _________(儀式), including students from primary, high schools and universities.

15. In a word, the 90s generation are facing more _________(挑戰) as well as opportunities than other generations.

16. Recently we had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be _________(收費) for parks.

17. It is known to us all that some students _________(作弊) in examinations at school.

18. Waste water from people’s daily life and agricultural _________(化學制品) also lead to the pollution of the river.

19. Personally, the best _________(選擇) is a good major at a good university. If we can’t obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major.

20. A heated discussion was held about whether it is necessary to start learning English from _________(童年) in Class 3.

21. When the torch went by us, we all became so excited that we all _________(歡呼), shouted, and waved the national flags, having totally forgotten the hot weather.

22. Family plays a significant role in shaping children’s _________(性格).

23. In my opinion, it is wrong of us students to consume blindly, such as following the fashion, pursuing famous _________(品牌/牌子) of clothes.

24. When we meet with difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to _________(埋) heads in the sand.

25. We Chinese are launching a _________(運動) to build a harmonious society as well.

二、詞義猜測 請根據句意指出下列句子中劃線單詞的詞性與漢語意思。共25小題,每小題1分,滿分25分。

1. The river becomes a natural boundary between the two countries. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

2. He shouldn’t have braked the car abruptly (突然地) on such an icy road. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

3. For the past few years, a great number of banks have opened branches in Shanghai, the biggest financial centre in China. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

4. I was really surprised to hear the news that such a brilliant star as Michael Phelps should take drugs! (詞性: ______意思: _________)

5. It should be

broadcast on Saturday and Sunday afternoons so that we students can have the chance to watch it. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

6. Computers can help people in different ways. For example, computers help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculations. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

7. Doctors warn that angry feelings can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

8. Different people have different views about whether it is wise to pay kids with cash for doing housework. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

9. The current situation, in a certain degree, may cast a shadow over the future of the talk. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

10. Don’t be too casual at work because work is supposed to be taken seriously. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

11. Please read the catalogue from cover to cover before you decide which model to purchase. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

12. It is generally thought that the global warming may one day give rise to an environmental catastrophe. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

13. The president from the headquarters of Guinness World Records in Britain awarded them certificates. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

14. Personally, I prefer to study alone. I find studying alone more challenging and exciting. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

15. Liu Xiang, who was also born in Shanghai but three years younger than Yao Ming, is a world champion in the 110-metre hurdles. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

16. In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

17. Here I’d like to introduce to you the TV program “Learning Chinese” on CCTV 9, which is an international channel. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

18. The people in the church are chanting a Christmas carol. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

19. The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify (整頓) the state of chaos. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

20. The last chapter was deleted from the book for a variety of reasons. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

21. As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

22. In Arab countries, people usually kiss each other on the cheek when they meet. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

23. The little girl was almost choked to death after breathing in much smoke. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

24. We Chinese take it for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

25. Professor Li also pointed out that we must chew our food well before swallowing it. (詞性: ______意思: _________)

三、單句填空 請在下列句子中填入一個適當的詞或用所給詞的正確形式填空。共25小題,每小題1分,滿分25分。

1. _________(confront) with these difficulties, what you need is something like strength or _________(brave).

2. _________ it was my turn to perform, I walked to the piano as _________(calm) as possible, sat down, took a deep _________(breathe) and played the first part.

3. To be brief, no matter who you are and _________ you are doing, you should have your dreams and hold on to _________ because they give you chances _________(taste) success.

4. Being able to store and process _________ large amount of information, the computer brings _________ great convenience and high efficiency to people.

5. Besides, studying abroad can not only _________(broad) their horizons but also _________(deep) their understanding of the culture and customs in that country.

6. My finger got badly _________(burn), now it becomes _________(swell).

7. I almost buried myself _________ books every day, _________(go) over every required subject and doing a lot of exercises.

8. They _________(emphasis) that they have been kept busy _________ their study and have no time to spare for the outdoor activities.

9. We _________(tell) that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, _________ for the week after.

10. At last, he had no choice but _________(admit) his mistake.

11. _________(base) on my personal experience, we are able to achieve success _________ means of working hard.

12. _________ I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in Australia, I just can’t help _________(think) of both of you.

13. People _________ terrible and messed-up handwriting will be easily considered as _________(care) and irresponsible guys.

14. _________ is advisable to keep a little food in reserve in case _________ emergency.

15. How do you wish to pay your bill, sir, _________ cash or by credit card?

16. Nobody can _________(casual) succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.

17. It is true that we must redouble _________ efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up _________ the developed countries.

18. Recently _________ survey has been done to find out the cause _________ obesity among high school students.

19. Doctors are understandably _________(caution) about this new treatment.

20. The Chinese community here are shooting off fireworks _________ celebration of the Chinese New Year.

21. _________ is certain that the computer has deeply changed our lives and our _________(social).

22. In some cases, what comes easy for you is perhaps _________(challenge) for others.

23. I have become _________(cheer) now and above all I have regained self-confidence.

24. And the rest take no notice of it, _________(say), to obey the school rule is the only best _________(choose).

25. In your letter, I know that you bought a dictionary _________ a lot of problems, and our workers _________ charge of the department were so rude to you, _________ brought you lots of trouble.

四、詞組句型 請根據漢語提示完成下列英文句子。共25小題,每小題1分,滿分25分。

1. I am greatly assured that the grand lantern festival parade will ______________(一定) impress you.

2. As a student, you are supposed to ______________(擺脫/放棄) the bad habits of smoking and drinking.

3. The global financial crisis ______________(爆發) in 2008, which caused serious economic slide and increased job loss.

4. It is reported that scientists ______________(已經取得了重大突破) in the treatment of the disease.

5. As a Senior 3 student, the great pressure from study made me nearly ______________(喘不過氣來).

6. ______________(簡而言之), with willingness to share our opinions, we can skillfully handle the relationship with parents.

7. The way ______________(我們被撫養長大), and our cultural background, will very much influence how we feel about expressing anger.

8. The more she thought, the worse she felt, until finally she ______________(突然哭起來).

9. In order to complete the task in advance, she ______________(一直忙於工作) the work these days.

10. These are my private affairs; they are ______________(不管你的事).

11. I think society ______________(需要) heroes. Fighting against crimes is not just the job of the police. It is the duty of every citizen.

12. When you are nervous in an examination, it is a good choice to ______________(深呼吸) and ______________(鎮定下來), and then carry on with the paper.

13. With the work done, the students ______________(豎起) several boards to remind the visitors to ______________(照料) the flowers and trees.

14. Recently we have ______________(進行了) a survey — “To whom do you go when in trouble?” The results are ______________(如下).

15. We may come to a conclusion that modesty is of great significance in our life and ______________(決不) should it be out of date.

16. As a proverb goes, ______________(說話要謹慎)and be careful with behavior.

17. You should never ______________(冒險) when driving a car.

18. As we all know, she is a stubborn girl, so I probably won’t have any chance to ______________(改變她的主意).

19. If I was ______________(主管/負責) a school, I would also be very strict with students who don’t behave well.

20. According to schedule, all the passengers must ______________(登記/報到) at the airport an hour before the plane leaves.

21. ______________(振作起來)! Victory is just round the corner.

22. Interestingly, about 20% of the students who find it difficult to ______________(做出選擇) prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents.

23. The little girl ______________(幾乎被噎死) on a fish bone, but luckily she was saved in time by a doctor.

24. Being tired of her work, she decided to go travelling abroad ______________(改變一下/換換環境).

25. I would rather fail in the examination than attempt to get high marks ______________(通過作弊的手段).

2020年高考英語考綱詞彙通關第三週測試卷(Day 11--Day 15)



1. brave 2. breakthrough 3. breathe 4. brief 5. budget 6. burdens 7. burst 8. calm 9. canceled 10. candidate 11. causing 12. cautious 13. celebrate 14. ceremony 15. challenges 16. charged 17. cheat 18. chemicals 19. choice 20. childhood 21. cheered 22. character 23. brands 24. bury 25. campaign


1. n. 邊界 2. vt. 剎車 3. n. 分部;分公司 4. adj. 傑出的 5. vt. 廣播;播放 6. n. 計算;運算 7. n. 癌症 8. n. 現金 9. vt. 投下;蒙上 10. adj. 隨便的 11. n. 目錄 12. n.大災難 13. n. 證書 14. adj. 有挑戰性的 15. n. 冠軍 16. adj. 易變的;變幻無常的 17. n. 頻道 18. vt. 吟頌;詠唱 19. n. 混亂 20. n. 章;章節 21. n. 圖表 22. n. 面頰;臉頰 23. vt. 嗆;使窒息 24. n. 筷子 25. vt. 咀嚼;嚼碎


1. Confronted; bravery 2. When; calmly; breath 3. what; them; to taste 4. a; about 5. broaden; deepen 6. burnt; swollen 7. in; going 8. emphasize; with 9. were told; but 10. to admit 11. Based; by 12. When; thinking 13. with; careless 14. It; of 15. in 16. casually 17. our; with 18. a; of 19. cautious 20. in 21. It; society 22. challenging 23. cheerful 24. saying; choice 25. with; in; which


1. be bound to 2. break away from 3. broke out 4. have made a major breakthrough 5. out of breath 6. In brief/short 7. we are brought up 8. burst into tears 9. has been burying herself in 10. none of your business 11. calls for 12. take a deep breath; calm down 13. set up; take care of 14. carried out; as follows 15. in no case 16. be cautious about speech 17. take chances 18. change her mind 19. in charge of 20. check in 21. Cheer up 22. make a choice 23. was almost choked to death 24. for a change 25. by means of cheating

