詳解中學英語常用詞彙(36)--afford (2)



A. 接名詞或代詞:

Universities grant scholarships and financial aid to help many who cannot afford the high tuition costs. 大學向許多無法負擔昂貴學費的學生提供獎學金和財力支持。

If you can't afford a whole apartment,you can rent one room. 如果你負擔不了一整間公寓,你可以租一間。They couldn’t afford $50 for a ticket. 他們拿不出50美元買一張票. Can we afford a new car? 我們能買得起一輛新車嗎? He can’t afford the time for it. 他抽不出時間來做此事。The house is too expensive. I cannot afford it. 這房價太貴,我買不起。

詳解中學英語常用詞彙(36)--afford (2)

B. 接不定式:

A mountain climber can't afford to take chances with inferior equipment. 一個登山運動員不能用較劣質的裝備去冒險碰運氣。Some major events have taken place in recent months. None of us can afford to overlook.最近一時期發生了好幾件大事,我們無法視而不見,充耳不聞。I can’t afford (to buy) a new coat. 我沒錢買件新外衣。He says he really can’t afford to wait another day. 他說他確實一天也不能再等了。We can’t afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我們沒有足夠的錢出國。I can afford to send you to a university. 我可以負擔得了送你上大學。

2. 表示“提供”“給予”,其後可以接雙賓語(直接賓語通常為抽象概念),若雙賓語交換位置,要用介詞 to(此時無需連用 can, be able to等)。如:

Music affords us much pleasure. 音樂給我帶來樂趣。 The transaction afforded him a good profit. 這筆買賣使他賺了一大筆 。 The dense atmosphere of the earth affords protection to man and provides conditions for his existence. 地球濃密的大氣給人類提供保護,提供人類生存的條件。 It will afford me a great pleasure to have dinner with you. 與你們共進晚餐將是我的一大樂事。He was afforded the opportunity to work for a lawyer. 他被提供了一個當律師的機會。(被動句)

