
Very few of us become fluent in another language by studying it in high school. I made an effort to keep up the little bit of French that I learned in school,but eventually realized that this was 1 .I was well aware that new languages are best learned when 2

,and that our abilities in that regard decline with age. 3 ,just before my 50th birthday,I 4 for French classes.

After I was 5 to see which group I belonged in,I was 6 at almost the introductory level. I found that it really was true that certain linguistic(語言的) abilities 7 with age. While I'd always thought of myself as a(n) 8 learner,that was no longer the case. I absorbed new vocabulary very 9 .What I learned one week ago seemed to 10 as soon as I learned the next skill.

Now,a couple of years later,I can listen to the news in French and 11 90 percent of it on the first try and read a novel if it's not too difficult.

Who knows what I might still 12

I've learned so much 13 grammar and vocabulary. I've met people from around the world and all walks of life who have the 14 to make fools of themselves in order to 15 something new. I've been taught by patient and inspirational teachers from many 16 of the world,including France,Eastern Europe,the Caribbean and Africa.

Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France,I have a renewed 18 of how something can look completely different from another 19 .I've learned that a language is not just a set of words,but a way of 20 .But most of all,I've learned that it really is never too late to learn something new.

1.A. unbelievable  B.pointless

C.unbearable D.valueless

2.A. energetic B.curious

C.young D.old

3.A. However B.Therefore

C.Besides D.Meanwhile

4.A. sought B.registered

C.fought D.prepared

5.A. interviewed B.challenged

C.asked D.tested

6.A. restricted B.withdrawn

C.appointed D.placed

7.A. fade B.remain

C.disappear D.improve

8.A. autonomous B.average

C.quick D.dull

9.A. easily B.slowly

C.steadily D.rapidly

10.A. crowd in B.make sense

C.slip away D.build up

11.A. catch B.recite

C.share D.repeat

12.A. complete B.overlook

C.perform D.accomplish

13.A. except B.beyond

C.through D.including

14.A. confidence B.ability

C.patience D.courage

15.A. learn B.experience

C.explore D.possess

16.A. organizations B.corners

C.classes D.races

17.A. updated B.spread

C.presented D.conveyed

18.A. understanding B.attitude

C.knowledge D.judgment

19.A. manner B.area

C.angle D.direction

20.A. studying B.working

C.living D.thinking



1. B 


2. C 

[根據後半句中的our abilities in that regard decline with age並結合常識可知,年輕的(young)時候學習新語言的效果是最好的,故選C。




4. B 


5. D 

[根據空後的to see which group I belonged in並結合語境可知,經過測試(test)來看“我”屬於哪一類之後,“我”被歸(place)為幾乎是初級水平,故選D。]

6. D 


7. A 

[根據第一段中的our abilities in that regard decline with age並結合常識可推知,某些語言的能力會隨著年齡的增加而逐漸消失(fade=gradually disappear)。]

8. C 


9. B 


10. C 

[根據語境可知,“我”一學習下一個技能,一個星期前學的就消失(slip away)了,故選C。

11. A 


12. D 


13. B 


14. D 

[根據空後的make fools of themselves in order to something new可知,此處表示作者遇到了來自世界各行各業的人,他們有勇氣(courage)使自己(看起來)愚蠢以學(learn) 一些新的東西,故選D。]

15. A 


16. B 

[根據下文的including France, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Africa可知,這些老師來自世界的許多地方(corner)。]

17. C 


18. A 


19. C 


20. D 


