below the belt 在腰帶下?真正的意思和我們想象的不一樣


below the belt -【Cambridge Dictionary】:unfair,不公平的。

She thinks what they have done is a bit below the belt. 她覺得他們做的事情有失公允。

below the belt 在腰帶下?真正的意思和我們想象的不一樣

tighten one's belt -【Cambridge Dictionary】:to spend less money than you did before because you have less money,勒緊褲帶,省吃儉用。

I've had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time. 自從我不再全職工作,我就已經不得不省吃儉用了。

below the belt 在腰帶下?真正的意思和我們想象的不一樣

under one's belt -【Cambridge Dictionary】:learned or succeeded in, and now a part of your experience,學過的東西或者取得的成就,現在成為你經歷的一部分,經常和have或get一起搭配,have/get something under one's belt,表示有過某種經歷,已經掌握...,已經獲得....。

This fighter pilot has over 20 kills under his belt. 這個戰鬥飛行員已經成功殺死了20多個人。

When I get the right steps under my belt, I will be more efficient. 但我掌握了正確步驟後,我做事效率會更高。

below the belt 在腰帶下?真正的意思和我們想象的不一樣

