The Ass, the Fox and the Lion驢,狐狸和獅子

After deciding to become partners ,an ass and a fox went out into the country to hunt.On the way they met a lion, and realizing the danger ahead ,the fox went straight to the lion and whispered,"If you promise not to harm me ,I'll betray the ass, and you'll easily have him in your power."

The lion agreed,and the fox managed to the lead the ass into a trap.No sooner did the lion capture the ass than he quickly attacked the fox and kept the ass in reserve for his next meal.

Traitors must expect treachery.

  • deciding對…作出抉擇; 決定; 選定; 裁決; 判決; 影響…的結果; decide的現在分詞
  • went out出去; 熄; 退職; 下臺
  • realizing理解; 領會; 認識到; 意識到; 實現; 將…變為現實; 發生,產生; realize的現在分詞
  • whispered耳語; 低語; 私語; 小聲說; 私下說; 秘密告訴; 悄聲暗示; 沙沙作響; 發颯颯聲; whisper的過去分詞和過去式
  • betray出賣; 洩露; 辜負; 對…不忠; 背叛
  • soonersoon 的比較級
  • in reserve留出備用;保留;儲存
  • treachery背叛; 變節; 背信棄義
  • 一隻驢子和一隻狐狸決定成為夥伴後就到鄉下去打獵。在路上,他們遇到了一隻獅子,意識到前面的危險,狐狸徑直走向獅子,低聲說:“如果你答應不傷害我,我就背叛這隻驢子,你就能很容易的控制住他。”



    The Ass, the Fox and the Lion驢,狐狸和獅子

    The Ass, the Fox and the Lion驢,狐狸和獅子

