
How behavioural economics can explain why people are stockpiling toilet paper.


One of the relatively predictable outcomes from Coronavirus — especially given likely impacts on global supply chains, travel plans, and government finances — has been the turbulence on financial markets. Few pundits, however, would have predicted that the Coronavirus epidemic would cause turbulence in the market for toilet rolls.


Shelves at Sydney's supermarkets were empty on Saturday (see photo). My first thought was that diarrhea must be a symptom of Coronavirus? But no — fever, shortness of breath, coughs, sore throats: Coronavirus causes the classic symptoms commonly associated with flu.



Even if people are buying toilet paper because it is a close substitute for tissues (and a roll is cheaper than tissues), why would people buy so much toilet paper in preparation for an illness that, for most healthy people, will be equivalent to a bad cold? Perhaps meticulous forward-planning is an explanation.


But numerous studies from behavioural economics show that most of us are prone to short-termism and procrastination — even when it comes to important, long-term decisions involving our health, pensions savings and house purchases. So it seems unlikely that anyone would plan that far ahead for one of the most mundane of purchases, especially as toilet paper is so bulky to store.


Psychologists and economists have suggested a range of explanations; a desire to control bodily functions in the face of fear of illness; the need for security and comfort in a stressful situation; preparing for shortages (Lucy, 2020; Yap, 2020). Other commentators hypothesize that loo roll mania is something like a fear of missing out, similar to the reactions seen during banking runs (Paloyo, 2020).






People worrying that they will be caught short, rush to the shops to buy as much loo roll as they can find — like savers rushing to the bank when they fear their bank will run out of money. The banking run explanation does not, however, explain why people are buying loo roll in such volumes. Also, losing a life's worth of savings to a banking run has life-changing implications in terms of poverty and hardship that are incomparable to the consequences of having no loo paper.


So what does behavioural economics and finance tell us about why someone would rush to spend excessive amounts on what is ordinarily a trivial item? The behavioural literature on speculative bubbles provides some potential explanations. One of the more colourful examples of a speculative bubble is Tulipmania: for a brief period in 1637, speculators got very excited about tulip bulbs. At the height of Tulipmania, one of the most prized bulbs, the exotic Semper Augustus, sold for around 1,000 florins — enough money to buy a smart townhouse, a small fleet of battleships or a drove of 3,000 pigs. Tulipmania is often cited as a classic example of extreme irrationality, but someone believing that they had a good chance of selling a tulip bulb for $1.1m, would not be stupid to buy it for $1m.


鬱金香狂熱”——1637年的一段期間,投機者們對鬱金香球根大肆追捧。在最高潮時期,最高價的球根種類之一——異國品種 Semper Augustus,售價高達約1000弗洛林幣(1弗洛林=2先令)——這可以買一個時髦的小別墅,或一個小規模艦隊,或3000頭豬。鬱金香狂熱通常會被作為極端不理性的經典例子,但對於那些認為有很大機會可以把一個鬱金香球根賣到110萬美元的人,出價100萬美元去購買這樣一個球根,也就不能被稱之為愚蠢了。

If people are prepared to spend the equivalent of millions of dollars on a tulip bulb, then why not spend 100s of dollars on loo rolls, especially if you think you can sell them for more? Toilet rolls are listed on eBay Australia at the moment — maximum price AU$1,000,000 for 600 rolls — that's AU$1,667 per roll.


Nonetheless, it is likely that only a minority of people are buying toilet rolls to sell them, and the fact that such large numbers of people are joining the crowd reflects our inbuilt instincts, as social animals, to follow others. Our propensity to follow others is complex. Some of our reasons for herding behind others are well-reasoned. Herding can be a type of heuristic: a decision-making short-cut that saves us time and cognitive effort. When other people's choices might be a useful source of information, we use a herding heuristic and follow others because we believe that they know more than we do.





When we see a long queue, outside a restaurant, for example, we may join that queue because we conclude that everyone else queuing knows how good the restaurant's food is. Other times, our reasons for following others may be less well-reasoned, driven more by peer pressure and group-think that any sort of reasoned process — for example mob violence. In his 1895 classic — The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, French polymath Gustave le Bon explored how and why mobs form — hypothesising that mobs take on a life and personality of their own, separate and distinct from the individuals within it. Also, numerous experiments from social psychology have shown how blindly susceptible we can be to the influence of others, especially authority figures (Baddeley 2018).

比如,當我們看到一家餐廳外面大排長龍時,我們可能也會加入進去,因為我們認為,其他每個排隊的人都知道這家餐廳有多好吃。而其他時候,我們的從眾思維則並沒有充分合理的理由,而更多的是來源於“同伴壓力”和“群體思維”——比如,群體暴亂等。在法國多領域專家 Gustave Le Bon 1895年的經典著作《烏合之眾——大眾心理研究》中,他探討了暴民的形成方式與原因——他認為,暴民群體會形成自己的生命和性格,而且這一生命和性格是與其中每個個體存在區別的。另外,社會心理學領域的眾多實驗也表明,面對他人影響,尤其是權威人物的影響時,我們會多麼盲目順從。

This connects with key insights from behavioural economics about the different drivers of our decisions. Many decisions reflect a complex interplay of reason and emotion, each driven by different thinking systems. Our System 1 thinking is quick and instinctive; our System 2 thinking is slow and deliberative (Kahneman 2011). Herding probably reflects an interplay of the two (Baddeley 2018).


So if you are worrying about the empty supermarket shelves, take heart because the toilet roll market will probably stabilise. Tulipmania was short-lived and, if you can hold on, loo roll mania will be short-lived too. Alternatively, I know some people who have large stockpiles and may be willing to sell you some toilet paper for less than $1,667 a roll.






