
Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Nanjing Feiyan Piston Ring Factory was founded in 1958 and is located in Zhongshan Road, Lishui, Nanjing. It is one of the most influential and competitive enterprises in the domestic piston ring industry. The original production site of the project was scattered and the internal plant was old. In order to improve production efficiency and shorten the production cycle, the factory was relocated. The relevant supporting facilities of the new site are mature, which is more likely to form an industrial cluster. It is also a transition from retro to emerging.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Feiyan Piston Ring Factory, as a generation's memory and emotion carrier, was originally designed to show the traces of these times in new use on the basis of respecting the context of the times, in order to show the space is transformed into a container of time.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

How to deal with the relationship between the traditional and the emerging is the key to the project design. The transformation design retains the traditional structural space and wall texture, and adds new materials such as glass bricks and steel plates as space separation. In terms of color, texture and light and shade, the traditional and new functional spaces are compared.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


FANAF design team re-integrated the original building space and re-planned the underutilized and decentralized old building into a high-quality office space. Remove unnecessary ceilings and partition walls as much as possible to maximize the height of the floor, ensuring an excellent view of the space and sufficient lighting of the indoor office area.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


In order to balance office and leisure, the first floor of the Investment Promotion Exhibition Center is designed as an art space for drinking coffee and talking, the entrance reception area and leisure area transition naturally. Enter the leisure area through the preface hall with glass bricks as the background, and the reading space is on the left. The planning display area at the end is connected with the reading space by a leisure area with a long bar, which ensures the privacy of the reading area.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


The transformation of the space is based on art exhibitions, combined with the outdoor corridor space, which not only introduces more natural light, but also makes the traffic flow more smooth and comfortable.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


In order to prevent the expressiveness of the material from interfering with the exhibits, materials with different textures, living black and white and gray tones were selected. For example, the brushed cement wall, weather-resistant rust steel plate, black steel plate used to divide the office area, the original concrete beam and column floor of the building form a new and old, delicate and rough dialogue.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Various types of office space are set up on the second floor, including investment office area, office, leisure area, conference training area, etc. Each area is combined with a flat partition layout to avoid mutual interference while being structurally connected to each other. A large glass curtain wall under the roof allows the office area to be adjacent to outdoor greenery.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


The indoor open staircase runs through the entire space, connecting different office floors, making the boundaries of each space clear and enhancing the overall mobility, as well as promoting communication and exchanges among employees.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


The use of metal mesh ceilings and glass bricks adds a retro feel and rich texture to the colors. At the same time, metal mesh ceilings conceal pipelines such as air conditioning and lighting equipment, making the complete space interface contrast with the rough brick wall surface.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


There are many ways to pay attention to tradition and use tradition. In the design of the Investment Promotion Exhibition Center, FANAF design team enriches the space with installation art with a sense of industrial age, and connects the modern minimalist lines used by the building. Toolboxes, switches, radios, and other industrial objects in the industrial era are full of space and time. At the same time, high-quality office furniture such as leather sofas, wooden tables and chairs, delicate metal and stone coffee tables are arranged to meet office needs. It can also inspire creativity.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造

Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


The new office space designed with the new architectural language to carry the memory of the times, meticulously combines the historical context with the sense of future technology. Here, the new and old, tradition and future constitute a kind of tension.


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造





設計公司:反幾 FANAF







Project title: Gold Pedestal Group Feiyan Cultural Industry District Investment Promotion Exhibition Center Reconstruction

Project site: Zhongshan Road, Lishui, Nanjing

Interior area: 2800㎡

Renovation: FANAF

Design team: Zhang Ning, Wang Lijie, Jin Xin、 Hu Jinwei, Li Yongqing, Qiu Cheng

Design scope: Interior Hard Decoration Design, Soft Decoration Design, Lighting Design, VI Design, Art Desgin

Art cooperation: Zhao Zhen, Shen Li, Zhang Xiaoliang

Design cycle: 2019.9-2019.10

Construction cycle: 2019.10-2019.12

Author: Wen Xin,Jin Xin

Photography: ingallery Jin Xiaowen, Jin Xin




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Time Art Museum | 金基集團飛燕活塞環廠文化街區招商中心改造


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@反幾建築 / https://www.weibo.com/u/6201659441?refer_flag=1005055013_

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