03.02 「言談錄」在精神世界中,你不應追隨任何人



This is a dialogue between us, a conversation between two friends. So this is not a lecture to instruct, inform or guide you. We are going to talk over together many things, certainly not to convince you of anything, or to inform you of new ideas, new concepts, conclusions or ideals.


We are going to look together at the whole world as it is, at what is happening not only in this part of the world but also in the rest of the world. Together. And the speaker means together. You and he are going to observe, without any bias, without any prejudice, what is happening globally.


So this is a serious talk, not something intellectual, emotional or devotional. So we must exercise our brains. We must have scepticism, doubt; we must question and not accept anything that anybody says—including all your gurus and sacred books.


Are we thinking together, or are you merely listening to the speaker? Are we going together as two friends, taking a long journey—a journey into the global world, a journey into ourselves: into what we are, what we have become, and why we have become what we are.


And we need to take this journey together. It is not that the speaker takes the journey and points out to you the map, the road, and the way. But, rather, we are together, and the speaker means together. For he is not a guru. One should not follow anybody in the world of thought, in the world of the psyche.


We have depended so much on others to help us. And we are not helping you. Let us be very clear on that point: the speaker is not helping you because you have had helpers galore. And we have not been able to stand alone, think out things for ourselves; we have not been able to look at the world and our relationship to the world, and see whether we are individuals at all or part of humanity.


We have not exercised our brains, which are so extraordinarily capable. We have expended our energy, our capacity, our intellectual understanding in one direction only— the technological. But we have never understood human behaviour and why we are as we are after this long period of evolution.


And as the speaker said just now, he is not helping you; we are together looking, understanding. Of course, we need the help of a physician or a surgeon. We depend on governments, however rotten they are. We have to depend on the postman, and the milkman, and so on. But to ask for help through prayer, through meditation seems so utterly futile. We have had such help; we have had thousands of gurus and thousands of books— so-called religious and non-religious.


And in spite of them all we are helpless. We may earn a lot of money, have big houses, cars, and so on, but psychologically, inwardly, subjectively, we are almost helpless because we have depended on other people to tell us what to do, what to think. So, please, the speaker is saying most respectfully, seriously, and earnestly that he is not trying to help you. On the contrary, we are together.


So you and the speaker have to investigate all this: our relationship to the world, which is becoming more and more complex, our relationship to each other however intimate it might be, our relationship to an ideal, our relationship to our gurus, and to so-called God. We have to inquire seriously, deeply, into the quality of a brain that comprehends, or has an insight into the whole outer as well as the psychological world in which we live. It must be clear that we are not trying to point out a way, a method, a system, or in any way trying to help you. On the contrary. We are independent human beings.


This is not a cruel or indifferent statement. We are like two friends talking over together, trying to understand the world: the environment, all the complications of the economic world, the separate religions, and separate nations. Friendship means that we are not trying to persuade, coerce or impress each other. We are friends and, therefore, there is a certain quality of affection, understanding, exchange. We are in that position.


That Benediction is Where You Are, Talk 1


