02.27 arXiv 每日论文集 160 篇 02.27 更新

今日 arXiv 论文集

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今日更新 arXiv论文集:12个


Machine Learning 48篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/904?from=tttt0227

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 23篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/900?from=tttt0227

Computation and Language 16篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/909?from=tttt0227

Robotics 16篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/908?from=tttt0227

Human-Computer Interaction 10篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/902?from=tttt0227

Artificial Intelligence 19篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/898?from=tttt0227

Neural and Evolutionary Computing 5篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/907?from=tttt0227

Multimedia 2篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/906?from=tttt0227

Multiagent Systems 4篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/905?from=tttt0227

Information Retrieval 1篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/903?from=tttt0227

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 11篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/901?from=tttt0227

Computer Science and Game Theory 5篇

一键打包下载: https://paper.yanxishe.com/packages/899?from=tttt0227

Machine Learning 48篇

arXiv 每日论文集 160 篇 02.27 更新


Problems with Shapley-value-based explanations as feature importance measures

Turning 30: New Ideas in Inductive Logic Programming

AMP Chain Graphs: Minimal Separators and Structure Learning Algorithms

Counterfactual fairness: removing direct effects through regularization

Injecting Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks: a Controlled Experiment on a Constrained Problem

Forming Diverse Teams from Sequentially Arriving People

Efficient exploration of zero-sum stochastic games

On Feature Normalization and Data Augmentation

Rewriting History with Inverse RL: Hindsight Inference for Policy Improvement

Breaking Batch Normalization for better explainability of Deep Neural Networks through Layer-wise Relevance Propagation

Language-Independent Tokenisation Rivals Language-Specific Tokenisation for Word Similarity Prediction

G-Learner and GIRL: Goal Based Wealth Management with Reinforcement Learning

A Deep Learning Framework for Simulation and Defect Prediction Applied in Microelectronics

Fault Diagnosis in Microelectronics Attachment via Deep Learning Analysis of 3D Laser Scans

Reinforcement Learning Framework for Deep Brain Stimulation Study

Freeze Discriminator: A Simple Baseline for Fine-tuning GANs

Optimal Gradient Quantization Condition for Communication-Efficient Distributed Training

The Curious Case of Adversarially Robust Models: More Data Can Help, Double Descend, or Hurt Generalization

Relevant-features based Auxiliary Cells for Energy Efficient Detection of Natural Errors

Beyond Dropout: Feature Map Distortion to Regularize Deep Neural Networks

Adaptive Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent for Minimizing Delay in the Presence of Stragglers

Towards an Efficient and General Framework of Robust Training for Graph Neural Networks

Stochastic-Sign SGD for Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees

Diversity-Based Generalization for Neural Unsupervised Text Classification under Domain Shift

General Framework for Binary Classification on Top Samples

Human Apprenticeship Learning via Kernel-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Robust Estimation, Prediction and Control with Linear Dynamics and Generic Costs

Sequence-to-Sequence Imputation of Missing Sensor Data

Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints

Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning with Analogous Disentangled Exploration

(De)Randomized Smoothing for Certifiable Defense against Patch Attacks

Understanding and Mitigating the Tradeoff Between Robustness and Accuracy

Searching for Winograd-aware Quantized Networks

Gödel's Sentence Is An Adversarial Example But Unsolvable

Novel Change of Measure Inequalities and PAC-Bayesian Bounds

Coherent Gradients: An Approach to Understanding Generalization in Gradient Descent-based Optimization

A General Method for Robust Learning from Batches

Causal Inference With Selectively-Deconfounded Data

Gaussian Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Bringing Polysemy Back

Missing Data Imputation for Classification Problems

Statistical Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Methods

Deep Learning for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in 6G Networks

Regression with Deep Learning for Sensor Performance Optimization

Performance Analysis of Combine Harvester using Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Networks Particle Swarm Optimization

A study of resting-state EEG biomarkers for depression recognition

Recalibrating 3D ConvNets with Project & Excit

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 23篇


Toward fast and accurate human pose estimation via soft-gated skip connections

Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks

DDet: Dual-path Dynamic Enhancement Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Ground Texture Based Localization Using Compact Binary Descriptors

See, Attend and Brake: An Attention-based Saliency Map Prediction Model for End-to-End Driving

MagnifierNet: Towards Semantic Regularization and Fusion for Person Re-identification

Freeze Discriminator: A Simple Baseline for Fine-tuning GANs

Online Semantic Exploration of Indoor Maps

Applying Rule-Based Context Knowledge to Build Abstract Semantic Maps of Indoor Environments

Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Raw Eye Tracking Data Segmentation, Generation, and Reconstruction

3D-MiniNet: Learning a 2D Representation from Point Clouds for Fast and Efficient 3D LIDAR Semantic Segmentation

PointAugment: an Auto-Augmentation Framework for Point Cloud Classification

Cross-layer Feature Pyramid Network for Salient Object Detection

Circle Loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization

Optimal least-squares solution to the hand-eye calibration problem

Deep Representation Learning on Long-tailed Data: A Learnable Embedding Augmentation Perspective

Exploring Learning Dynamics of DNNs via Layerwise Conditioning Analysis

Fully-automated Body Composition Analysis in Routine CT Imaging Using 3D Semantic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Networks

ScopeFlow: Dynamic Scene Scoping for Optical Flow

MPM: Joint Representation of Motion and Position Map for Cell Tracking

FPConv: Learning Local Flattening for Point Convolution

Hierarchical Conditional Relation Networks for Video Question Answering

Globally Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event-based Motion Estimation

Computation and Language 16篇


On Feature Normalization and Data Augmentation

Semantic Relatedness for Keyword Disambiguation: Exploiting Different Embeddings

A more abstractive summarization model

MiniLM: Deep Self-Attention Distillation for Task-Agnostic Compression of Pre-Trained Transformers

Detecting Asks in SE attacks: Impact of Linguistic and Structural Knowledge

KEML: A Knowledge-Enriched Meta-Learning Framework for Lexical Relation Classification

Small-Footprint Open-Vocabulary Keyword Spotting with Quantized LSTM Networks

BERT Can See Out of the Box: On the Cross-modal Transferability of Text Representations

MuST-Cinema: a Speech-to-Subtitles corpus

Label-guided Learning for Text Classification

Event Detection with Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

End-to-end Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction via Learning to Link

Multimodal Transformer with Pointer Network for the DSTC8 AVSD Challenge

Exploring BERT Parameter Efficiency on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset v2.0

Parsing Early Modern English for Linguistic Search

Automating Discovery of Dominance in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication

Robotics 16篇


Rewriting History with Inverse RL: Hindsight Inference for Policy Improvement

Human Perception-Optimized Planning for Comfortable VR-Based Telepresence

Least Squares Optimization: from Theory to Practice

Safe Optimal Control under Parametric Uncertainties

Non-Gaussian Chance-Constrained Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in the Presence of Uncertain Agents

Learning Machines from Simulation to Real World

Denoising IMU Gyroscopes with Deep Learning for Open-Loop Attitude Estimation

Alternating Minimization Based Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Aggressive Flight

Feasible Computationally Efficient Path Planning for UAV Collision Avoidance

Estimating Human Teleoperator Posture Using Only a Haptic-Input Device

Optimisation of Body-ground Contact for Augmenting Whole-Body Loco-manipulation of Quadruped Robots

Towards Learning a Generic Agent for Vision-and-Language Navigation via Pre-training

Fast Loop Closure Detection via Binary Content

Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Physical Systems Without Velocity and Acceleration Measurements

Real-time Fusion Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation Incorporating Unexpected Obstacle Detection for Road-driving Images

Experiments with Tractable Feedback in Robotic Planning under Uncertainty: Insights over a wide range of noise regimes

Human-Computer Interaction 10篇


Role of Intrinsic Motivation in User Interface Design to Enhance Worker Performance in Amazon MTurk

What do crowd workers think about creative work?

Toward dynamical crowd control to prevent hazardous situations

Optimizing User Interface Layouts via Gradient Descent

On-Orbit Operations Simulator for Workload Measurement during Telerobotic Training

The Effects Of Technology Driven Information Categories On Performance In Electronic Trading Markets

A Visual Analytics System for Multi-model Comparison on Clinical Data Predictions

Human Perception-Optimized Planning for Comfortable VR-Based Telepresence

Estimating Human Teleoperator Posture Using Only a Haptic-Input Device

Artificial Intelligence 19篇


Problems with Shapley-value-based explanations as feature importance measures

Turning 30: New Ideas in Inductive Logic Programming

AMP Chain Graphs: Minimal Separators and Structure Learning Algorithms

Counterfactual fairness: removing direct effects through regularization

FairRec: Two-Sided Fairness for Personalized Recommendations in Two-Sided Platforms

Injecting Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks: a Controlled Experiment on a Constrained Problem

Forming Diverse Teams from Sequentially Arriving People

Declarative Memory-based Structure for the Representation of Text Data

A Double Q-Learning Approach for Navigation of Aerial Vehicles with Connectivity Constraint

Efficient exploration of zero-sum stochastic games

Neural Lyapunov Model Predictive Control

Rewriting History with Inverse RL: Hindsight Inference for Policy Improvement

Breaking Batch Normalization for better explainability of Deep Neural Networks through Layer-wise Relevance Propagation

Language-Independent Tokenisation Rivals Language-Specific Tokenisation for Word Similarity Prediction

Reinforcement Learning Framework for Deep Brain Stimulation Study

Data Augmentation for Personal Knowledge Graph Population

Planning for Compilation of a Quantum Algorithm for Graph Coloring

Facets of the PIE Environment for Proving, Interpolating and Eliminating on the Basis of First-Order Logic

Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints

Neural and Evolutionary Computing 5篇


An Assignment Problem Formulation for Dominance Move Indicator

Separating the Effects of Batch Normalization on CNN Training Speed and Stability Using Classical Adaptive Filter Theory

Non-Volatile Memory Array Based Quantization- and Noise-Resilient LSTM Neural Networks

Backpropamine: training self-modifying neural networks with differentiable neuromodulated plasticity

Scheduled Restart Momentum for Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent

Multimedia 2篇


A Comparative Evaluation of Temporal Pooling Methods for Blind Video Quality Assessment

Rate Distortion Optimized Joint Bit Allocation between Geometry and Color for Video-based 3D Point Cloud Compression

Multiagent Systems 4篇


Inducing Equilibria in Networked Public Goods Games through Network Structure Modification

Toward dynamical crowd control to prevent hazardous situations

RMB-DPOP: Refining MB-DPOP by Reducing Redundant Inferences

Scalable Multi-Agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Actor-Attention-Critic

Information Retrieval 1篇


Abstractive Snippet Generation

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 11篇


A$^3$: Accelerating Attention Mechanisms in Neural Networks with Approximation

Combining Learning and Optimization for Transprecision Computing

Near Optimal Task Graph Scheduling with Priced Timed Automata and Priced Timed Markov Decision Processes

Distributed Edge Coloring in Time Quasi-Polylogarithmic in Delta

Analysis of Amnesiac Flooding

Distributed Training of Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models for Automatic Speech Recognition

Optimal Gradient Quantization Condition for Communication-Efficient Distributed Training

Efficient and Simple Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Spanners

Statistically Preconditioned Accelerated Gradient Method for Distributed Optimization

Personalized Federated Learning for Intelligent IoT Applications: A Cloud-Edge based Framework

Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices: Panoramas and State-of-the-art

Computer Science and Game Theory 5篇


Hedonic Seat Arrangement Problems

Fair and Truthful Mechanisms for Dichotomous Valuations

Binary Scoring Rules that Incentivize Precision

Double-Spend Counterattacks: Threat of Retaliation in Proof-of-Work Systems

Inducing Equilibria in Networked Public Goods Games through Network Structure Modification

