伊隆·穆斯克(ELON MUSK)說,即將推出的NEURALINK版本“真棒”

伊隆·穆斯克(ELON MUSK)說,即將推出的NEURALINK版本“真棒”

Elon Musk teased on Twitter this weekend that his secretive brain-computer interface startup Neuralink is working on an “awesome” new version of the company’s signature device.

上週末,埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)在Twitter上戲稱,他的秘密腦機接口初創公司Neuralink正在開發一款“令人敬畏”的新版公司標誌性設備。

In July of last year, Neuralink showed off plans to connect the human brain to machines — by shooting holes in the skull with lasers and feeding flexible threads of electrodes into the brain.


In a tweet, Musk claimed that Neuralink may have its updated version “in a human as soon as this year.” He said it “just needs to be unequivocally better than Utah Array,” which is an existing neural interface designed to record neural activity in the brain.

在一條推文中,Musk聲稱Neuralink可能“最快在今年在人類中”有其最新版本。他說,它“只需要明確優於猶他州陣列(Utah Array)”,後者是一個現有的神經接口,旨在記錄大腦中的神經活動。

Musk pointed out that such an array has some “severe drawbacks” and claimed that “it looks like a medieval torture device” — perhaps referring to its spiky nature and the way it is inserted into the brain via a “pneumatic inserter.”


Musk bragged in November podcast appearance that future versions of Neuralink might be able to “solve” autism and schizophrenia by reinstating lost portions of the brain and making them functional again.


We have yet to see what Neuralink’s updated vision looks like — or if the concept even works at all — but Musk is optimistic.


“Don’t want to get too excited, but the potential is truly transformational for restoring brain [and] motor functions,” Musk wrote in a tweet on Monday.


