Balance for Better

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Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”




活動的指導老師Wanning Jen是一名專業的戲劇療愈師,他說,希望通過戲劇療愈的方式,讓女性朋友們跳出自己的身份,從旁觀者的視角來看待自己面臨的問題,從而找到挖掘自身潛力、提升自我的方法。


為了呼應2019年的國際婦女節主題“更均衡,更美好”(Balance for Better),諾丁漢大學三校均開展了“鼓舞人心的女性”(Inspirational Women)活動,全球師生共提名了150多位女性榜樣。被提名的女性來自學校各個學院或部門,她們在各自的工作和學習中用自己的實際行動激勵著周圍的人。

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

寧諾國際婦女節活動委員會的主席、教學副校長May Tan-Mullins教授說,促進平等是寧諾長期以來的重要發展目標之一,“不僅僅是性別平等,而是在更廣泛意義上的平等。”



Balance for Better | 戲劇療愈進寧諾校園,激發“她力量”

Drama therapy brought to campus for women’s empowerment

On 8 March, a special event aiming at empowering women was delivered on the campus of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), where female students and staff had the chance to discover their inner strength through improvisation theatre.

Guided by the trainer, attendees at this Drama Therapy class gradually let go of the control over themselves, and were completely immersed in the spontaneous performance.

The attendees commented on the event being inspiring. Lily Cai, a female staff member said it was wonderful to de-stress with colleagues and students in such an improvised but carefully devised way.

An anonymous attendee said: “The key take-away is to be spontaneous. We are all role players in our life and that sets limits on what we do and what we don’t do. We need to let go of that control sometimes and be more courageous.”

According to the trainer, Wanning Jen, a professional drama therapist, the goal of improvisation theatre is to guide women to think outside of the box, to uncover one’s potential and hopefully to transform towards a better self.

This is merely one of the many events organised by the International Women’s Day Committee at UNNC. Fitness and music workshop, book exhibition, film screening, sharing sessions and symposiums, everyone can find something they are interested in.

Echoing the 2019 theme for International Women’s Day – Balance for Better, a social media campaign named Inspirational Women invited students and staff across all Nottingham’s campuses to nominate female colleagues by explaining their inspirational achievements. Almost 150 submissions were received celebrating women at all levels and job types.

UNNC Vice-Provost Professor May Tan-Mullins, Chair of the UNNC International Women’s Day Committee said it was the University’s long-standing commitment to promote equality.

“UNNC has long been an advocate for equality, not just gender equality but equality in a broader sense,” Professor May Tan-Mullins said. “Last year, we organised a fundraising event, aiming at enabling disadvantaged girls to receive quality education that they needed. As a result we collected more than 20 thousand Chinese Yuan in donation, which was a great success.

“This year, our focus is more towards showcasing inspirational women around campus and women’s empowerment. We have so far had a lot of positive feedback and that is encouraging. I hope that one day our continuous effort at UNNC can inspire women beyond.”

According to the Human Resources Office, female staff make up 50% of the University’s total amount of staff members. UNNC is also one of the few universities in China to have a student club aiming at promoting equal opportunities for all races, nationalities and genders at UNNC.

English: Chuchu Lou



