






據瞭解,Pitch@Palace 意為“在王宮呈報”, 中文名為“龍門創將”,是由英國約克公爵安德魯王子於 2014 年創立的創業孵化公益平臺。該項目致力於匯聚各領域最具影響力的行業領袖,為創業者提供強有力的創業支持。



Q:What do you think of the performances of the finalists of Pitch@Palace China 2.0.?

A:First I have been very very impressed with everybody’s reach today, the technology they have chosen to persue is very technical, and they have put close what they do, why they do it, how they do it in a very professional manner. And I know that my organization of Pitch@Palace came to be able to help most of those businesses in one way or another.

Q:As the initiator, what are your considerations on introducing the platform to China?

A:China is an enormous and potential market for entrepreneurial and enterprising activity. The number of the applications we received, for just these 42 places that we can offer, is in a region of 20000 last year . That is an indication of how large and how important the market here. So we are delighted to be able to support, as I say, the 42 that we can, we can’t support all.

Q:What achievement has Pitch@Palace made since it was founded? How will you continue to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the future, to continue to benefit entrepreneurs?

A:What we been able to do is to not only create value in the businesses here, to the tune of around 600 million pounds in the businesses that we’ve seen over the last four years, five years. We have created about 2.5 thousand sustainable jobs around the world, a new sustainable jobs in the business. The number of business they have survived is running at the rate of 98%. Those are achievements. And anymore, we’ve been to introduce them to investors and business can provide them supply chain, distribution system and connections.

Not anymore for what we are doing now, but we will be expanding our range and size of activities that we do, not only in China but around the world. There is a great amount for what we are providing.

Q:What quality do you think are the most important for an entrepreneur? And what the Chinese and British entrepreneurs can learn from each other?

A:I will suggest the most important thing for an entrepreneur is not to be put off by a countering problems. If you find moments when you think things are going to fail, that’s when you learn most. So don’t feel despondent, keep going. Determination to succeed is always something, i would say, the most important thing.

It not about to learn from each other, in fact, it’s about caleberated together, we know, to be able to produce a bigger and better organization. It could be in research, could be in business because there are businesses going to other parts in the world.So therefore, we can tie them together, or suggest they meet. They may want to become partners, in much case, you got a bro- company before you meet them or got any further from starting.

