吃貨老外尋味順德美食,世界上最好吃的廣東叉燒 網友:口水直流

中國的街頭食物是世界最棒的食物之一,我們去了廣東順德,品嚐了中國最瘋狂的街頭美食。首先我們從廣州出發來到順德,特地去品嚐了美味的粵菜,然後我們發現了一大堆令人驚歎的街頭小吃,比如中國生魚片、燒鵝還有叉燒肉!我們甚至還吃了蛇肉!首先,從品嚐舉世聞名的廣東燒鵝開始,燒鵝用炭火烤箱烤制,並在鵝肉上澆上醬汁,這是一種妙不可言的中國街頭食物,你必須嘗一嘗。然後,我們嘗試了另一種著名的中國街頭食品 – 雙皮奶,就在廣東的小巷和街頭市場裡。龜苓膏是一種帶點苦味的布丁。還有就是豆花 -- 也就是嫩豆腐。最後一餐,我們去了一場巨大的中國宴會。我們還參觀了一家著名的順德餐廳,進入了後廚,看廚師們如何準備舉世無雙的粵式菜餚。我們點了一些極端的中國街頭小吃,比如中國生魚片-- 將草魚迅速切片並送到餐桌上。還有一盤蒸蛇和蛇蛋,另外有一盤油炸知了,還有其他更多的食物呢!所以請務必看完整個視頻,與我們一道,去發現各式各樣美妙的中國街頭食物吧!

吃貨老外尋味順德美食,世界上最好吃的廣東叉燒 網友:口水直流

吃貨老外尋味順德美食,世界上最好吃的廣東叉燒 網友:口水直流

吃貨老外尋味順德美食,世界上最好吃的廣東叉燒 網友:口水直流


The Food Ranger

Make sure to watch until the end cause wefound Chinese SASHIMI at the end and steamed SNAKE! So rare! What an amazingday of eating this was in Shunde, just south of Guangzhou and just a shortdistance from Hong Kong! I hope you’re doing well and eating well and thank youvery much for watching our street food tours! We are loving the food in China,more Sichuan videos coming up and then we are thinking of going to Japan!!! Ican’t wait to share with you guys what we find!


Mousy Medias

That Juicy goose and pork, really tempts toeat.



Psst... Trevor, that guy lowkey stole yourfood.. haha..


Franklin MacGillacuddy

Man no joke! The combination of that gooseliver and pork meat looks like one of the most amazing things you could eatanywhere in the world!!!


Amar Gobbur

The Roast Duck Chef was best.. He pouredTea for you and that's the humbleness a good Chef must have. Nice Video. Wouldlove more Chinese food videos..


Antony Yang

Chinese cuisine is one of the most diversein the world. You will spend a lifetime and still discover something new. Someare not for everyone, but if you want to eat like the locals, you have to divedeep. Keep up the good work. It's funny how your Mandarin was better than someof theirs as Cantonese is their mother tongue.


Daisy Wong

Chinese style sashimi is rare and veryancient. goes way back in time. only Cantonese people preserved it. Japanesesashimi/sushi came from this style prehistory



the roast goose place looked epic. thosegenerstional restaurants are rare gems


Tony Tang

Grass Carp Sashimi........As a Chinese,I've never heard of it... lol.. China is too big.


Tung Chan

Very nice even I am a Chinese from HongKong there is so many dishes I never seem before


Bledi Gegolli

My mouth is watering, seems so delicious,esp the goose...



The Goose, liver, and pork looked amazing.It got me Hungry!!!! Thanks to you and Ting for the great video. Take care bro.


Kento Komoto

I need to like this more than once! thatcombo bite of goose liver and char siu.... culinary genius. That is perfection!that is my culinary Everest! Damn the USA food Nazis for making goose illegalcommercially!


People's Republic of Bananas

Fatty char siu tastes like heaven. One ofmy favorites. I think the siu mei from this restaurant may be the best. Peoplewho have not tried their food are so poor guys. You will never forget the tasteonce you have tried that. I m so envious. Seriously, i want to cry.


