【English 7000一】

✔坐落於,In the eastern part of New Jersey lies! the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing航運製造center.

✔人類學家,Anthropologists have discovered

✔人類學,Anthropology is a science in that

✔方法技術,rigorous 嚴密set一整套of methods and techniques to document記載observations觀測

✔典型Typical of the grassland dwellers ['dwelə(r)z] of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn羚羊,或稱叉角羚

✔重大影響,ainters and sculptors畫家和雕塑家 had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art.

✔更願意,he would rather be remembered as A than as B

✔損失傷亡,Research into研究the dynamics動力學of storms is directed toward為了improving提高the ability to predict預測these events and thus to minimize減少damage and avoid loss of life.  

✔一定程度的,Although apparently表面rigid僵硬的, bones exhibit顯示 a degree of elasticity彈力靈活that enables the skeleton骨骼to withstand承受considerable impact相當的打擊

✔普遍反映universally reflected in facial expressions

✔連接處,The knee is the joints where the thigh bone大腿骨 meets the large bone脛 of the lower leg小腿.

✔大量實驗,Over a very large number of trials

✔發生幾率,the probability of an event's occurring

✔固態液態,Most substance contract收縮when they freeze so that the density密度of a substance's solid is higher than the density of its liquid.

✔化合物chemical compounds

✔水溶物water solution

✔強烈氣味,sharp taste

✔腐蝕,a corrosiveaction on metals

✔使變化the ability to turn

✔刺激性irritating effect on

✔停止使用,as a general antiseptic防腐劑抗菌劑 has been largely discontinued

✔繼續生存In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization盈利組織 must, in the long run最終, produce sth consumers consider useful or desirable.

✔日益自動more mechanized

✔鞭策教唆The development of mechanical機械timepieces

✔時鐘/計時器spurred the search for more accurate

✔使個性化,personalize them with warmer, less

✔千百萬人中,Of the millions

✔大腦儲存,The mechanism原理by which brain cells store memories

✔聯繫became associated with the idea of remembrance懷念

✔創建診所,founded the infirmary醫務室醫院養老院

✔目睹迴歸,live long enough to see it return

✔荒涼人稀,the wildest and most inaccessible parts

✔大量野生wildlife is abundant and largely protected.

✔多人口the great population

垃圾處理,disposal of refuse

✔美化生活,Futurism未來主義,an early twentieth-century movement 運動/思潮in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion機械和動態.

✔權威認定,she has been credited by some authorities as the originator創始人

✔花哨含混,employ flowery but vague[veɪɡ] expressions

意義模糊,obscure one's meaning

✔severe[sɪˈvɪr]嚴峻嚴厲 ✔interiors內部裝飾

✔誹謗謠言,libel is printed while slanders spoken

✔替罪羊,Eliminating消除problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.

✔價值相同,The elimination of inflation通貨膨脹would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan還貸would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed貸款.

✔名聲建立,reputation rests on her ability

✔賦予深度,give emotional depth to

✔認為設想what is conceived to be reality

✔指的是,The continental divide分水嶺refers to an imaginary line 想象線that divides…from …

✔大西洋流域,the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean

✔負荷,Studies研究of the gravity引力field of the Earth indicate表明 that its crust地殼and mantle地幔/覆蓋物 yield位移/外力重壓屈曲when unusual weight is placed on them.

✔交流communicate through facial expressions and by making noises

✔旺盛生長,Thanks to modern irrigation灌溉, crops農作物now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but 只有cacti['kæktaɪ]仙人掌and sagebrush[ˈseɪdʒ蕎屬科could live.

✔回饋,Fungi are important in the process of decay腐化, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility提高肥力, and decomposes animal debris分解殘骸

✔sundials日晷 with which to regulate校準 them.

✔經久不衰,pure tone, retaining its pitch音高over a long period of time.

✔值得做, it is going to be worth it

✔動力,Motivation is what gets you started

✔身材,Fitness is like marriage. You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.

✔無價之寶,Excuses are useless, results are priceless.

✔常常更廣,The activities are frequently much broader than

✔institution 建立,制度習俗,公共機構;

✔之前早就,Long before

✔之後很久,long after




✔國際市場研究者,international marketing researcher 國內市場研究者,domestic marketer