西班牙浪漫主義繪畫大師 戈雅Goya 經典人物作品

戈雅 Goya


(Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes,1746-1828)



戈雅Goya 著衣的瑪雅The Clothed Maja 1800

戈雅Goya - Marquise of Santa Cruz 1805

戈雅Goya 查理四世和他的家人1801

戈雅Francisco Goya - Young Lady Wearing a Mantilla and Basquina 1800-05

戈雅Goya - Duchess of Abrantes 1816

戈雅Goya - Senora Sabasa Garcia 1806-11

戈雅Goya - Narcisa Baranana de Goicoechea 1746-1828

戈雅Goya - Portrait of Dona Antonia Zarate 1805

戈雅Goya - Condesa de chinchon 1800

戈雅Goya - Countess of Altamira and her Daughter 1787-88

戈雅Francisco Goya - Majas on Balcony 1835

戈雅Goya - Maria Teresa de Borbon y Vallabriga, later Condesa de Chinchon1783

戈雅Goya - Mariana Waldstein, Marquise de Santa Cruz

戈雅Goya - The Water Carrier 1812

戈雅Goya - Therese Louise de Sureda 1804-06

戈雅Goya - Victor Guye 1810

戈雅Goya - Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga 1787–88

戈雅Goya 與木馬在一起的男孩Called Pepito 1810

戈雅Goya - Portrait of Senora Ceán Bermudez 1795

戈雅Goya - Portrait of the Marquesa de Santiago 1804

戈雅Goya 女子肖像1824

戈雅Goya -The Family of the Duke of Osuna 1788

戈雅Goya - Carlos IV a caballo 1800-81

戈雅Goya - Ferdinand VII at camp 1815

戈雅Goya - General Antonio Ricardos 1793

戈雅Goya - General Jose de Urrutia 1798

戈雅Goya - Juan Bautista de Muguiro 1827

戈雅Goya - Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos 1798

戈雅Goya - Francisco Bayeu 1795

戈雅Goya - Portret van Don Ramon Satue 1823

戈雅Goya 男子坐像Portrait of Sebastian Martinez 1792

戈雅Goya 著軍裝的男子Ignacio Garcini y Queralt 1804

戈雅Goya - Charles III as a Hunter 1786-88

戈雅Goya - The Duke of Osuna 1785

戈雅Goya - Portrait of Ferdinand VII of Spain in his robes of state 1814

戈雅Goya 伐爾肯的熔爐1818(Frick)