為啥美國進口不了N95口罩Why U.S cant import N95

The masks that are currently produced in China are right now not approved


for export or import in the United States as a class one medical device


which puts a restriction on the amount of supply So without a sufficient

這就限制了供應量 因此如果沒有足夠的

stockpile and options limited oversea America has to look inward

儲備和有限的海外選擇 美國就不得不把目光投向國內

The federal government is calling on the private sector to help fill


the need of medical supplies Honeywell will be the latest company to pivot

醫療用品的需求 霍尼韋爾將成為最新一家將公共衛生作為樞紐和

and prioritize public health by producing N95 masks at its facility here in Phenix


New Balance says many of its U.S. factories including one in Lawrence


are now producing face masks for hospitals We're seeing automakers start to

現在正在為醫院生產口罩 我們看到汽車製造商開始

get into the business of making ventilators We're seeing distillers

涉足製造通風設備的業務 我們看到釀酒商

started to make hand sanitizer There's a huge ramping up of industrial

開始生產洗手液 美國工業正在迅猛

America that is happening But as we saw during the Second World War

的發生發展 但是正如我們在第二次世界大戰

and in previous wars But with the first shipment of masks from China

和之前的戰爭中所看到的 但隨著來自中國的第一批口罩

landing in New York in early April

and Trump enacting the Defense Production Act

於4月初抵達紐約 特朗普頒佈了《國防生產法案》

to manufacture more masks and respirators domestically millions of masks

在國內生產更多口罩和呼吸器 數以百萬計的口罩

are being made available But it's not enough The solutions that we need

正在生產中 但這還不夠 我們需要的解決方案

and one of the key lessons that I hope we also get out of this in order to


be able to diversify our supply chains to make sure that we've got sufficient


inventory it requires us to take a global view and then a global piece

庫存 它要求我們從全球的角度看問題

so that we can move product and move support from one region that is being


impacted today to another that's going forward We're again at one of those

影響的地區轉移過來到另一個正在前進的地方 我們再次處在這樣一個

moments where when you respond to a global crisis like COVID- 19

時刻 當你應對像COVID-19疫情這樣的全球危機時

the answer is taking care of things at home but also of learning from your neighbors

答案是在家照顧好自己的事情 同時也要向鄰居學習

