三星Galaxy Chromebook将于4月6日开卖

Samsung's upcoming Calaxybook finally has an official release date. You'll be able to buy it at Samsung and Best Buy next Monday, April 6th, starting at $999.

三星即将发布的Galaxy Chromebook终于有了正式的发布日期。你可以在下周一(4月6日)在三星和百思买买到,起价999美元。

三星Galaxy Chromebook将于4月6日开卖

The device comes in Mercury Gray, or the bolder Fiesta Red that looks bright orange in some settings. It's the first Chromebook to sport a 13.3-inch 4K OLED display. It also has a more powerful than most Chromebooks, an intel 10th-generation chip, It includes 8GB of RAM (LPDDR3) and a 256 GB SSD as well.

这款设备有水星灰色(Mercury Gray)和更大胆的嘉年华红色(Fiesta Red)两种颜色,后者在某些情况下会呈现亮橙色。这是第一款搭载13.3英寸4K OLED显示屏的Chromebook笔记本。它还拥有比大多数chromebook更强大的处理器,这是intel的第十代芯片。它包括8GB的RAM(LPDDR3)和256GB的SSD。

三星Galaxy Chromebook将于4月6日开卖

