

I like your worries. No wonder I can't get off my stomach



Go to bed early tonight, and get up early tomorrow to like you.


那時候,日子也正長。過了今天,還有明天;過了今年,還有明年。過了春還有夏,過了秋還有冬,過了冬又能望見明年春到,依舊桃花滿梢油菜黃。 最歡喜不過,最完滿不過。

At that time, the days were long. After today, there will be tomorrow; after this year, there will be next year. After the spring and summer, after the autumn and winter, after the winter, we can see that next spring will arrive, and the peach blossom is still full of rape yellow. The happiest, the most perfect.


別太囂張 ,你這種姿色 ,我見一個愛一個。

Don't be so arrogant, you look like this. I see one loves the other


我們為什麼不能慣著傻逼,因為傻逼永遠不覺得自己傻逼,你忍讓他,他以為你服他。 ​​​ ​​​​

Why can't we get used to being a fool? Because a fool never thinks he's a fool. You can't let him. He thinks you obey him. ​​​ ​​​​



I hope it's not only spring, but also you who are safe after the epidemic.



I have heard that icebergs are indestructible since I was a child, but who knows that icebergs also want to become ice cream in someone's hands.



No one wants to hear about your life. Don't talk like a fool.



When all is well, let's go to hot pot! You know my taste, so you can help me prepare the dishes in advance, and I can help you iron what you want to eat. This is the tacit understanding that you are familiar with me and I am familiar with you.


