

Perris Valley, California.



Oh my god!

Are you okay? - No.


I'm here in Perris(佩利斯市), California, it's 110 degrees(攝氏度43度),

and today,

I'm about to jump out of an airplane with Tom Cruise.

And I can't quite believe I'm doing this.

You're here!

I'm here.

You're here! You made it.

I'm here, and I'm terrified(嚇死了).

Are we genuinely(真正地) doing this?

I'm just amazed(驚奇) you are here.

This is great, we're gonna go this.

I'm just so impressed(折服) James is going skydiving(高空跳傘).I mean,

between you and me(悄悄跟你說), I was half expecting him to text(發信息) me and

tell me he was canceling(取消).

I've actually been trying to get ahold of(聯繫) Tom for the last couple of days.

To cancel(取消),but apparently(顯然地) I had his number saved wrong(存錯號碼) in my phone.

So it looks like to take the time to apologize(道歉) to Tom Hiddleston(抖森).

Through the message I send him about my case of food poisoning(食物中毒).

15,000 feet, we go up about 15,000 feet. - Shut up.

Something like that.

15,000 feet. - Yeah, because we want a good free fall(自由下落).

Little time to think about things in the air.



I'll be honest(坦白說). I'm terrified(嚇死了).

This feels like a mistake.

You're gonna do it, right? - Ok.

- Let's do it let's go.Yeah.

- Okay,are you ready?

- Let's go.

Let's get going.Here we go.

All right.I see you later, bye.

That was my fastest Tom Cruise run.

That was good.

You can let go. -No no no .

I know. But I just want to hold on any way.

Ok, James, that aircraft, we'll be jumping out the back.

How long will we be in that airplane?

15 minutes.

Is there a meal service(有飯吃)?


Snacks(零食)? - No.

Peanuts(花生)? - No.

Little trolley(手推車) with drinks(酒水) on it? - No.


It's the worst plane I've been on.

Okay,so,you're gonna do a tandem(雙人串聯)? -Yes.

Danny is gonna be your tandem(聯座).

I'm strapped(捆住) to Danny?

Who is Danny?

Hello Danny.

Hi James.

So you're the guy I'm strapped to(捆在一塊).

No no no, I don't think so.



We're not skydiving into Margaritaville(瑪格麗塔酒鎮). This is...

I want someone who looks like they know what they're doing.

I mean, with all due respect(沒有冒犯的意思), Danny, I'll have a drink with you,

I probably buy weed(大麻) from you, I'm not jumping out of a plane...

How many jumps have you done in your life?


I don't believe you,

but I'm confident(有自信).

Ok, cheers(謝謝), man.

I see you out there. Cheers(謝謝). - Good.

You know, I don't think any other Late Night host(深夜秀主持人) has ever gone skydiving before.

You know? I don't think it's ever happened.

Is that Jay Leno(傑·雷諾)?

Oh, Jay Leno did it.

If I crush(征服) this,

I'm thinking this is an audition(試鏡) to be...

To be what? - Team Cruise.

I want to know the door isn't closed,

and that I've got a part(角色)

in a big action movie(大動作片).

I can fake(佯裝) a punch(一拳).

Can you? Go on, do it.

Go on,hit me. Hit me. - What?

Yeah, watch this,go on.

Give me your best, and I'll be...Well don't!

I just hit you in the face.

Are you ok?

Are you all right?

James, are you ok? - Uh-huh.

Sorry,you just told me to hit you in the face.

- Yeah, I know, I meant, it's done.

Okay, sorry.

Sorry about that. -That's all right.

Get on this bord(板),we are gonna show you how to arch(做後仰弓形姿勢)

Like this?

Yeah, that's good. - Right.

Now picture(想象) you're gonna be flying around like this.


Okay,just keep arching(弓著) like this.

- I feel like a Roomba(掃地機器人).

Just keep arching(弓著).Just happens.

- I feel like a Roomba(掃地機器人).

Dont worry(別擔心). - Whoa.

Stop stirring(攪動) me around!!!!!!!

So we're in the air

and do we have hand signals(手勢信號)

when we're in the air. - Yes.

The air?

Are you ok? I come up like,are you ok?

And I'll be like,yes. -Okay.

And this is like...

Not great?

What's the hand signal(手勢信號) for I'm just soiled(拉翔) myself?

Like this.

If I go, then you'll know

to stay out front(離我遠點).

Because I soiled(拉翔) myself.

- I'll call Danny.

He'll know.

He'll already know.

But I want you to know

I've soiled(拉翔) myself.

What about when we're up there,-Yep.

some sort of

dance routine(舞蹈動作)? Do you know

"Big box, Little box, Cardboard box(紙板箱)"

No. How's it go(怎麼做)?

Big box, little box, cardboard box.

Big box, little box, cardboard box.

It's from ?? in the 90's.

And then what if you do an L,

and an L.

Late late show(深夜秀).

And that's the show.

Jazz hands(爵士手). Ok, this is huge.

The worst problem is in all of this, if we both die,

I will get zero press(零新聞).

It will be a foot note(附註,註腳)

It will be, the story will be

Tom Cruise dies.

Also that guy who occasionally(偶爾) drives around in a car with or something.

I feel very confident(自信) that this is something that

we'll never forget.

What is that?

Toiletries(化妝品),deodorant(除臭劑),sun cream(防曬霜),cologne(古龍香水),

antiacid(抗酸藥),I got a better heartburn(胃灼熱). It's just...


Don't worry. They're all travel size(便攜式).

All I can hear right now, in my head,

In my head all I've got is...

BGM(背景音樂): Mission impossible

I don't understand why he's just, you know,

casually(隨然地) wearing a sweater(運動衫) and jeans(牛仔褲)

and I'm dressed like this.

I'm literally(簡直) gonna be strapped to(綁一起) another person.

I'm wearing a full-grown baby bjorn(成年嬰兒揹帶).

Next time you come on the show(節目秀), let's just do a chat(聊聊),

We do a chat,settlement(解決方案),at the desk(桌子旁),

play a game,that's it.

That's what we're gonna do, okay?

It will be okay.

Chances are(很有可能):

we're gonna make it(我們會沒事的).

Hey, babe,

Is that Jus?(胖詹老婆朱莉亞)

- Yeah. I'm in the plane. I'm with Tom.

And he says

if anything happens, if anything goes wrong,

don't worry. - I will take care of you(照顧你的).


Well don't say that.

What do you mean a better life?

How much higher are we going?


10,000 feet(英尺).(3048米)

Higher than this?

(還要再升10000米) - Yes.

Shut the F**k up!

We're only at 5,000 feet now.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

It's only one way down now(只有一種方法下去了).

No, that's not true.There are 2 ways down, okay?

Let's do stretching(伸展運動).

- Yes, stretch up(舒展).

7,000 feet.(2133米)

8,000 to go(還有2438米).

Oh my god.

Oh my word!


Oh, man, what a day! What a view(風景)!

That was amazing.

That was incredible.

That was amazing.

That was amazing.Come on!

You did it.

Tom Cruise

Back to be in the studio(演播室)


A huge thank to Tom Cruise.

We love him so much.

Mission: impossible: fallout(《碟中諜》6:全面瓦解) is brilliant(精彩的)!

And it opens in theaters(影院) in imax tomorrow,you got to go see it.

Come on back(回頭見), everybody.

