


As you can see Perkz has a whopping 97.5% of the popularity percentage compared to his DWG's adc counterpart, and the only G2 player to have more fans compared to DWG.



Perkz has the most present by fans out of the 10 players, which is how he has such a high percentage.

I'm impressed, didn't know the Chinese fans like him this much.




He gained a lot of sympathy from Chinese fans after he cried on stage in 2017 And then, in 2018 he might've gain some fans along RNG haters after G2 eliminated them in quarterfinals.


Does the chinese playerbase hate RNG?


Its like the TSM situation a lot of supports and a lot of haters because of that.


Its more of the fact that RNG fans are extremely arrogant and needlessly "patriotic" of how they think if you don't support RNG then you aren't Chinese anymore, and how RNG is the best cause they have full Chinese roster and other dumb stuff like that, which is why their fans are so hated.



Tbh I'm proud that Fnatic is full European roster and that all 3 LEC representatives are full european rosters so I don't get that.

I also don't get that "you aren't chinese" if you support roster with KR players, but being proud of full regional roster is ok imo


I think it has to do with lol being a club competition not national competition. It's similar to football, like Real Madrid is a spanish club playing in Spain but no one cares if it's not a full Spanish lineup.




cuz Perkz beat RNG last yrs(some chinese lol player don't like RNG...long story) and chinese fans think Perkz is a humorous and funny guy!/n BTW they call perkz"The head of the Europe optimistic clan(歐洲樂觀家族族長)".optimistic clan(樂觀家族)is the general name of GodV's fans and GodV is The head of the Asia optimistic clan

Perkz去年擊敗了RNG(一些中國LOL的玩家不喜歡RNG ),中國球迷認為Perkz是個幽默有趣的傢伙!他們叫他樂觀家族族長 。樂觀家族是GodV粉絲的統稱,而GodV是亞洲樂觀家族的代鹽人

What does it mean, this "optimistic clan."


godv used to talk smack acting like he has already won before games, for example he was asking viewers on stream which skin he should pick before s5 worlds.



Chinese fans love Nuclear, especially when he tried his best to throw against IG.


China isn't a guy. It's a group of 1billion people. So basically u can find any type of fans in it.


RNG fans hate him. RNG haters like him


I can understand the full chinese team part.

Your region finally wins worlds and its on the back of a team which is called "The TheShy and Rookie show" and both are korean you know?


你所在的地區最終贏得了世界冠軍,如果標題為“ TheShy and Rookie的二人轉”是不是很噁心,他們都是韓國人你知道嗎?

As a LOL esport viewer from Hong Kong, the LPL scene is the most fun to watch. I constantly watch the Chinese stream and look at the live chat of LPL fans, like Douyu, Bilibili etc (rip Panda TV).

You are so true regarding the RNG fans.. Seems like most of the fans from IG, WE, EDG hate RNG. Majority of LPL fans are good, but for the rest...



However, last year if G2 didn't beat RNG in quarters Perkz may have been one of the most hated players because of what he said about China regarding scrims during the group stage.



I think people has mostly let the issue slide for now. Most Chinese fans just weren't as familiar with G2/Perkz's twitter culture (twitter is banned in China, and weibo has a different culture), so when people saw that twitter they thought he hates China/LPL in particular. After a while people realized that's just how they tweet all the time.

我認為現在大家都不會在這種問題上糾結了。大多數中國粉絲對G2 / Perkz的推特文化不瞭解,因此當人們看到該推特時,他們會認為阿P特別討厭China / LPL。在一段時間後,人們就是意識到這其實就是他們發推文的一種方式和風格。

Being good looking is a talent


Even candice said she liked him cause he was handsome

甚至 candice (不認識,可以是歐洲餘霜吧)也痴迷於歐成的顏值


not really, the most talked about western player on chinese forums is definitely perkz , followed by Doublelift then Rekless

並非如此,在中國論壇上熱度最高的西方玩家肯定是perkz,然後是著名解說Doublelift ,再後是歐成

Rekkles has been well-known in China long before Perkz.


Of course, he lost to a Chinese team in 2012, no surprise


Why the hell is Norskeren so popular?! lol


No reason, it could be because Effort is boring or because Norskeren has red hair or because he inted that game or some other inside memes, it's really random


just asked a friend from china this, he said people like vulcan since his name is the god of fire, and a lot of people in china think Hyli sucks



I'm from NA and I absolutely love Perkz. He's my favorite player in the LEC.


I remember he made a tweet hinting about scrim info-sharing among the Chinese teams and he later made an apology. I thought they would hate him, but I'm glad that he's popular in China.


That's because his character is attractive. He has his weibo account and a translator helps him to interact with chinese fans. He is a man of fun just like someone has said before. He plays well in adc, he is optimistic, he is a good player in all. And maybe... because hevhelped some chinese lol players to get back their nationality so that they can support a team where two korean players are in it without too much cyber violence (after rng 2:3 g2 last year)

那是因為他的性格很吸引人。他擁有自己的微博帳戶,翻譯可以幫助他與中國粉絲互動。就像有人說的那樣,他是一個有趣的人。他作為adc比賽中表現出色,性格樂觀,他是一個很好的選手。也許...還因為幫助一些中國LOL的玩家恢復了國籍,這樣他們可以支持一隻擁有兩名韓援的隊伍而不會遭受過多的網絡暴力(去年RNG2:3 G2後)


Actually, in China, some people do not like perkz because of his arrogance and G2 defeated RNG (the team most likely to win the championship) in S8. But, a lot of fans (including me LOL) like his words (In chinese , there is a special word "騷話") XD and his professional attitude. For the same reason, many people love doublelift and Godv.


