

見到這個學生以前,我聽過她的名字。很多我之前辦理過留學申請的學生跟我提起過她。小學跳了兩級, 本來可以跳三級的,但是為了能有個小學畢業證。就只跳了兩級。所以申請大學時,發現學生還未滿16歲。

因為海外大學對於本科入讀有年齡的要求,低齡學生也可以入學,但是要求安排監護人等。 所以申請的時候我們特別地跟學校溝通是否可以接受她上學。學校對於她優異的成績紛紛表示驚喜。學生在高一,高二兩年時間考取了A level數學,物理,化學,生物,經濟一共5門課程;均是A*的成績。學生唯一的弱項是英語,由於地方小城鎮英語資源薄弱,學生的口語表達不是很好。從2016年9月份開始,國內雅思考試的難度增加,評分標準變嚴格,學生很難突破一個更高的雅思成績。為了幫助學生提升雅思成績,我們規劃她在英國當地考雅思,取得了雅思7.5分,各個單項均在6.5分以上的好成績。並建議學生在暑假到醫院,大學的研究所進行了一些生物,化學的實驗研究,為自己的PS增加了豐富的內容。

在香港大學的獎學金過程中,更是在留學顧問的建議下,對自己的一些領導才能,學習能力,未來夢想進行了充分展示。最後不僅僅獲得全額獎學金,還獲得了住宿減免,生活費補貼。 幾乎是拎包上大學。每年港大在國內錄取的學生能獲得此殊榮的寥寥無幾,在山東省就更是鳳毛麟角了。



I also regularly read popular science books. Most recently, I read the Seven Daughters of Eve and the Selfish Gene, both great masterpieces in the field of genetics but with different focuses. In the former, I was intrigued by the method of using mitochondrial DNA to interpret human history, because it can persuasively help solve the mystery of human origin without the unavoidable subjective judgement commonly seen in archaeology work. However, despite my appreciation of the efforts made by the author to build an emotional bonding between readers and their hypothetical ancestors, the last few chapters on the imagined life of the seven women seem to have more literary element than academic value. As for the second book, the view of the process of natural selection on a genetic level totally revised my understanding of evolutionary theory. Such cross interpretation between Darwinism and genetic science is very inspiring in the field of biology.




