

见到这个学生以前,我听过她的名字。很多我之前办理过留学申请的学生跟我提起过她。小学跳了两级, 本来可以跳三级的,但是为了能有个小学毕业证。就只跳了两级。所以申请大学时,发现学生还未满16岁。

因为海外大学对于本科入读有年龄的要求,低龄学生也可以入学,但是要求安排监护人等。 所以申请的时候我们特别地跟学校沟通是否可以接受她上学。学校对于她优异的成绩纷纷表示惊喜。学生在高一,高二两年时间考取了A level数学,物理,化学,生物,经济一共5门课程;均是A*的成绩。学生唯一的弱项是英语,由于地方小城镇英语资源薄弱,学生的口语表达不是很好。从2016年9月份开始,国内雅思考试的难度增加,评分标准变严格,学生很难突破一个更高的雅思成绩。为了帮助学生提升雅思成绩,我们规划她在英国当地考雅思,取得了雅思7.5分,各个单项均在6.5分以上的好成绩。并建议学生在暑假到医院,大学的研究所进行了一些生物,化学的实验研究,为自己的PS增加了丰富的内容。

在香港大学的奖学金过程中,更是在留学顾问的建议下,对自己的一些领导才能,学习能力,未来梦想进行了充分展示。最后不仅仅获得全额奖学金,还获得了住宿减免,生活费补贴。 几乎是拎包上大学。每年港大在国内录取的学生能获得此殊荣的寥寥无几,在山东省就更是凤毛麟角了。



I also regularly read popular science books. Most recently, I read the Seven Daughters of Eve and the Selfish Gene, both great masterpieces in the field of genetics but with different focuses. In the former, I was intrigued by the method of using mitochondrial DNA to interpret human history, because it can persuasively help solve the mystery of human origin without the unavoidable subjective judgement commonly seen in archaeology work. However, despite my appreciation of the efforts made by the author to build an emotional bonding between readers and their hypothetical ancestors, the last few chapters on the imagined life of the seven women seem to have more literary element than academic value. As for the second book, the view of the process of natural selection on a genetic level totally revised my understanding of evolutionary theory. Such cross interpretation between Darwinism and genetic science is very inspiring in the field of biology.




