
5、非限定性定語從句不用that,只用who(whose, whom)和which代表人和物;


Her brothers, both of whom work in America, ring her up every week. 她的兄弟們,兩個人都在美國工作,每個星期都給她打電話。

The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 那些大多已經坐滿了人的公共汽車被一群憤怒的人圍著。

That tower block, which cost five million dollars to build, has been empty for five years. 那個塔樓空著已經5年了。建它花了500萬美元。

Cricket, which I know very little about, is a very popular sport in England. 板球是英格蘭非常流行的體育活動,我對它知之甚少。

The accounts of the company ,which I’ve been paying great attention to, are in balance. 公司的賬目是保持平衡的。我一直非常注意這些賬目。




These are the operating instructions that/which are written in English. 這就是用英文寫成的使用說明。

Are you staying at the white house which/that is newly completed and which /that has 15 bedrooms, 3 kitchens and 4 toilets? 你是住在那幢剛剛竣工、有15個臥室、3個病房和4個衛生間的白色房子裡嗎?

So far as I know, there are many VIPs who are going to attend the reception. 就我所知有很多達官貴人將出席這個招待會。

