英语"make a scene“”做个场面"是要表达什么呢?


embarrassing 美 /ɪm'bærəsɪŋ/: Something that is embarrassing makes you feel shy or ashamed. 令人尴尬的

"I can see why running with me would be embarrassing to you." (难怪你会觉得跟我跑步会很丢脸)----美剧《老友记》

"It's kind of embarrassing. I mean, I was an actor, now I'm a waiter." (这件事蛮尴尬的,我之前是演员,现在是服务生)----美剧《老友记》


agreed: If people are agreed on something, they have reached a joint decision on it or have the same opinion about it. 同意的,可以直接说agreed或 I agree来表示我同意,而不能用agree.


make a scene: If you make a scene, you embarrass people by publicly showing your anger about something. 发脾气; 当众吵闹,有时候也指为了吸引公众的目光,让大家说句公道话而在公共场合大闹,无理取闹,相信大家这种场景见过不少,比如有些人坐地上大闹,不能私下好好说都是在make a scene.

I'm sorry I made such a scene. 很抱歉我刚才发了这么一通火。----柯林斯字典

"You think I won't make a scene?" (你觉得我不会大吵大闹一番?)----美剧《马男波杰克》

That's all for today

August 27, 2018. XOXO

