有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Wheeeeeeeeeee!"The Little princess LOVED getting dirty.


"Wash your hands before you eat that,"said the Queen.


"Why?"said the little Princess.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Because you've been playing outside,"said the Queen.


"Wash your hands,"said the Cook.


"Why?"said the little Princess.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Because you've been playing with Scruff.And dry them properly."


"Wash your hands,"said the King.


"Why?I've washed them TWICE,"said the Little Princess.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"And you must wash them again because you've just been on your potty."


"Wash your hands,"said the Maid.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"I washed them after playing outside.I washed them after playing with the dog.


I washed them after going on my potty.I washed them after sneezing..."


"...WHY?"said the Little Princess.


"Because of germs and nasties,"said the Maid.


"What are germs and nasties?"said the Little Princess.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"They're HORRIBLE!"said the Maid.


"They live in the dirties...


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

...and on the animals...


...and in the sneezes.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

Then they can get into your food,and then into your tummy...


...and then they make you ill."


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"what do germs and nasties look like?"said the Little Princess.


"Worse than crocodiles,"said the Maid.


"I've got no crocodiles on MY hands."


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Germs and nasties are smaller than crocodiles,"said the Maid.


"They are too small to see."


"I'd better wash my hands again,"said the Little Princess.


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Do I have to wash my hands after washing my hands?"


"Don't be silly,"said the Maid."Eat your cake."


有声绘本故事《I Don't Want to Wash My Hands》我不想洗手!

"Have you washed YOUR hands?"


