


A . 主語一般是由名詞,或者具有名詞性質的短語,詞語或者從句充當,而動詞不可以充當主語。

例如:Give children a comfortable school environment is teachers’ duty.

give 是一個動詞,不能充當句子的主語。

正確句子:Teachers’ duty is to give children a comfortable school environment.

B. 一個完整的句子不能充當另外一個句子的主語,在這種情況下,需要講另一句子變成從句,或者用形式主語“it”。

例如:Employers receive job training is important.

employers receive job training 是一個句子,不能充當另外一個句子的主語,否則這句話中就有兩個動詞。

正確句子:It is important for employers to receive job training.

C. 賓語一般由名詞,或者具備名詞性質的短語,詞語或者從句充當,而動詞不可以充當賓語。 一些動詞,如 continue ,start , pretend, intend , attempt, decide 後面經常加動詞不定式作為賓語。

例如:Many rural inhabitants have decide move to cities.

move 是動詞,不能充當decide 的賓語。

正確句子: Many rural inhabitants have decided to move to cities.


A . 動名詞和不定式做主語時,謂語動詞一定是單數。

例如: Raising standards of literacy are the government’s priority.

句子主語是 raising standards ,而不是standards,所以主語是單數意義。

正確句子: Raising standards of literacy is the government’s priority.

B. To rear a child alone are challenging to any parent.

to rear 作為句子主語,是單數意義,所以系動詞應該改為is。

正確句子:To rear a child alone is challenging to any parent.

C . 不可數名詞做主語的時候謂語動詞一定是單數。

例如: The adequacy of financial resources are essential to the operation of not-for profit organization.

句子真正主語是 adequacy, 所以系動詞不能用are,需要改成is。

正確句子: The adequacy of financial resources is essential to the operation of not-for profit organization.

D. 當主語後跟著 “ with, together with, coupled with, combined with, as well as , like” 的時候,謂語動詞隨著主語的變化而變化。

例如: Overworking , coupled with poor diet, are harmful to employers’ health.

句子真正主語是overworking , 作為單數意義來講,所以動詞應該用is.

正確句子: Overworking , coupled with poor diet, is harmful to employers’ health.

E. 一些代詞後面的謂語動詞一定是單數( anything,anybody,everybody, everything, nobody, nothing, somebody, something, each , none)

例如: Even if somebody fall sick, everything go on as usual.

somebody 和everything 後的動詞都應該用 單數。

正確句子: Even if somebody falls sick, everything goes on as usual.



