



1.Speaking of Nanjin Massacre, Do you believe the historical accounts of this? or think that was exaggerated and did not happen is as worst way as we are told? Some Japanese really feel that exaggerated to make them look too bad in many ways...


2.Horror in the East: Japan and the Atrocities of World War II (9780306811784): Laurence Rees: Books

This book seems good and after reading it, not only understand why they were so cruel but also its hard to underestimate how cruel they were.

顫慄東方:日本二戰暴行(9780306811784): Laurence Rees著


3.This was a terrible colonial massacre by any standard.

Unsurprisingly, colonial powers have always tended to see the mote in somebody else's eye and not the beam in one's own.

(Just check out the bad press on the Belgian Congo or the Spanish American colonies).Let just say that each colonial power had their own good share of skeletons in their closets.



4.Regardless of the numbers involved, there was clearly a pattern of behavior in Nanjing. The Japanese can claim (perhaps correctly) that this does not reflect Japanese attitudes, but SOMEBODY above the individual soldiers has to be accountable. Tojo? Kwantung army commander Kenkichi Ueda?


5.I don't see the point in exaggerating this number, who were they trying to get on their side? Would you call somebody who has killed 150.000 people a bigger &$@@?- then somebody who killed 200.000 people?


6.Well, some Japanese feel that China needed to exaggerate due to their need to portrait Japanese as barbarians. Maybe they only wanted to use those Chinese for medical experiment, as was normal at time -- and the most horrors of rape and so on were exploited by Chinese historians.


7."Maybe they only wanted to use those Chinese for medical experiment, as was normal at time" ??


8.I second Linschoten's sentiment, and would like to add... what the heck? "Normal"?

Do you think that makes it acceptable? How were "the horrors of rape" exploited? Isn't it horrific enough?

Enough documentary evidence exists of the horrific treatment of the Chinese at the hands of the Japanese.




9.This, I agree with!

If people still linger around and hate the Japanese because of the massacre it would be like hating modern day Germans because of the Nazis :O

I mean history should not be forgotten but also not linger in it xD

On Topic I believe it's real, maybe some very few of the extremely Chinese-hating people in Japan that holds power is preventing Japan from apologizing? It's what I hope to believe xD




關於話題我認為(南京大屠殺)是真實的,可能在日本有極少數極度仇中的人極力阻撓日本道歉?這是我希望去相信的 XD

10.(這一條來自於中國網友)The nanjing massacre museum, is one of a lot of massacre places, the open places only is 40 square , but be found 208 bones, above 120 bodies can be distinguished age, children bones are 32, old persons bones are 12, female bones are 20% in all 82 bones that can be

identify female or male. 6# bone is female bone, bone have japanese bayonet trace, 106# , 109#, 90#, 114# , all have Nails hurt trace.

whole nanjing massacre museum built on a huge bones pile, only around the place, there have about 28730 bones.

finally, i really want to say to those japanese who don't want to admit nanjing massacre, admitting ancestor's crimes , that is not shame, decimator pretend to be victims , that is really shame, and let me to vomit.

look those japanese atitude, why to blame china is not enough tolerance?



PS:南京大屠殺(遇難者)紀念館 ,位於許多大屠殺遺址之一,已公開的空間只有40平方,卻發現了208具遺骨,120具遺骨可鑑定年齡,兒童的遺骨32具,老人的遺骨12具,在所有82具可鑑別男女的遺骨中女性佔20%。6號遺骨是女性,遺骨上有日軍刺刀的痕跡,106號、109號、90號、114號,都有鐵釘釘入人體的痕跡。




