
Bengaluru: Chinese firm to make new Namma Metro coaches; they may be built in Andhra


BENGALURU: Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) has awarded a contract to China’s CRRC Corporation Ltd to provide 216 coaches.


BMRCL officials said CRRC’s subsidiary, CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Co Ltd, received the contract to supply rolling stock for Metro's Phase 2 project. “CRRC is setting up a plant in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh. They have committed to manufacture 34 (204 coaches) out of 36 (216 coaches) train sets in India. The awarded cost is almost Rs 235 crore less than that of L2 (second lowest tender) cost. The supplies will start in the third quarter of 2021,” BMRCL managing director Ajay Seth told TOI.

BMRCL官員稱,中國中車的子公司,中國中車南京浦鎮車輛有限公司,收到了為地鐵二期工程提供車廂的合同。BMRCL總經理Ajay Seth告訴印度時報:“中國中車正在安得拉邦斯里市建立一家工廠。他們承諾在印度生產36套(216節)列車中的34套(204節)。中標成本幾乎比L2(第二低投標)成本低23.5億盧比。將於2021年第三季度開始交付。”

BMRCL had set deadlines for

