


文 | 艾迪博士

圖 | 毛巾先生

校對 | 毛巾先生


Black Panther / 黑豹;Black Widow / 黑寡婦; Captain America / 美國隊長; Deadpool / 死侍;Hawkeye / 鷹眼; Hulk / 綠巨人; Iron Man / 鋼鐵俠;Scarlet Witch / 緋紅女巫;Spider-man / 蜘蛛俠;Thor / 雷神; Wolverine / 金剛狼



  • Instead, it appears that alcohol and its metabolic by-products predispose the pancreas to damage from agents that normally do not cause pancreatitis, or to more severe disease from agents that normally cause mild pancreatic damage.


metabolic adj 代謝的

by-products n 副產物

predispose v 使……受影響

agent n 結合語境,指的是藥物

  • Over the last 10 to 20 years, a tremendous amount of work has defined a number of alcohol-mediated biochemical changes in pancreatic cells.
  • Among these changes are: Sustained levels of intracellular calcium, activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, endoplasmic reticulum stress, impairment in autophagy, alteration in the activity of transcriptional activators, and colocalization of lysosomal and pancreatic digestive enzymes.


define v 明確

alcohol-mediated adj 酒精介導的

permeability n 滲透性

mitochondria n 線粒體

endoplasmic reticulum n 內質網

autophagy n 自噬

activator n 激活劑 催化劑

  • Elucidation of these changes has led to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms by which ethanol predisposes acinar cells to damage.


elucidation n 闡明,解釋

ethanol n 乙醇

  • This greater understanding has revealed a number of promising targets for therapeutic intervention. It is hoped that further investigation of these targets will lead to the development of pharmacotherapy that is effective in treating and preventing the progression of acute pancreatitis


therapy n

therapeutic adj 治療的



  • The endocrine component of the pancreas is composed of the Islets of Langerhans, and comprises a relatively small portion of the pancreas, only about 1%-2% of the organ.
  • The endocrine pancreas is responsible for the production of glucagon and insulin, hormones that regulate glucose homeostasis.


glucagon n 胰高血糖素

glucose n 葡萄糖

  • The acinar cells produce digestive enzymes that are synthesized as inactive zymogens and are secreted through ducts to the duodenum where they are activated.

腺泡細胞產生消化酶, 這些酶系被合成為不活躍的酶原, 並通過導管分泌到十二指腸被激活。

duodenum n 十二指腸

The ductal cells produce and secrete large quantities of bicarbonate (HCO3 -) and form a network that serves as a conduit for the delivery of the digestive enzymes into the duodenum. The pancreatic stellate cells synthesize and degrade extracellular matrix proteins.

導管細胞產生和分泌大量的碳酸氫鹽 (HCO3-), 並形成一個導管網絡, 將消化酶輸送到十二指腸。胰腺星狀細胞合成並降解細胞外基質蛋白。

secrete v 分泌

matrix proteins n 基質蛋白



  • Although the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis is not entirely known, it appears that the disease originates in injured acinar cells.

雖然急性胰腺炎的發病機制尚不完全清楚, 但看來這種疾病源於受傷的腺細胞。

originate in V 起源於

  • Although inappropriate activation of trypsinogen is important in causing pancreatic injury early in the disease, the induction and progression of local and systemic inflammation associated with acute pancreatitis does not require trypsinogen activation.
  • In fact, it has been demonstrated that intra-acinar cell activation of the transcriptional activator nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) occurs simultaneous to, but independent of, trypsinogen activation.

雖然不適當的激活胰蛋白酶原是重要的導致胰腺損傷在疾病的早期, 誘導和進展局部和全身炎症與急性胰腺炎相關不需要胰蛋白酶原 的激活。事實上, 已經證明, 由酸性激活劑核因子-b (nf-b) 的吸積內細胞激活與胰蛋白酶原活化同時發生, 但不依賴與於胰蛋白酶原的激活。

trypsinogen n 胰蛋白酶原





(運營人 搖擺浴巾)

