Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park


Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park


Project name: Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park


Project location: Wuhan, China


Client name: Wuhan Land Resources and Planning Bureau


Status: Masterplan Completed in 2018

規模: 503公頃

Size: 503 hectares


Services: Planning and Urban Design, Landscape Architecture

本文(中英)共9905字 圖41幅

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

總平面圖 Site Plan


The Yangtze is Asia’s longest river and drains one-fifth of China’s land area. Revered as the “mother river,” it has nurtured China’s history, culture, and economy since the dawn of civilization. This relationship between the people and the river has, in recent years, grown tense. Despite unprecedented advancements in engineering, all major cities on the Yangtze increasingly suffer from mounting flooding damage—demonstrating that the river is far from tamable.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

武漢長江主軸作為公共空間網絡的重要組成,創造了連貫豐富的城市一線景觀 The Yangzte Riverfront is an integral part of Wuhan’s open space network, and is designed to celebrate the river’s spontaneity.


Emerging because of its relationship with the Yangtze, central China’s largest city of Wuhan has coevolved with the river so symbiotically for the past 1,800 years that every milestone in its history has been tied to the river. Centuries of floods created fertile land for the early settlers, and high water safeguarded the birth of the city. As Wuhan has emerged as one of China’s hotbeds for technology, education, and innovation, land prices have soared and the city faces rising conflicts between development pressures and public demand for open space. It is striving to explore new ways of embracing the river after nearly a century of industrial exploitations and urban expansion.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

長江主軸濱水公園貫通現狀不連續的濱江界面,重塑和諧共生的城江關係 The reimagined vision for the park reunites the river with the city and its people.


This “river culture” is so deeply embedded in Wuhan that today people still frequent the riverfront parks even when they are flooded—enjoying the rare excitement of such intimate contact with the water. The design of the park celebrates this strong river culture and leverages frequent flooding events as a vital driver of placemaking strategies. Much of the programming along the river is designed to celebrate the river’s spontaneity and incorporate its flooding as an essential element of the ever-changing landscape.Wuhan’s Yangtze Riverfront Park leverages the river’s dynamic flooding to nurture a rich regional ecology, reinforce traditional wisdom and the local identity of living with an ever-changing river, and creates a dynamic recreational experience which is acutely attuned to the seasonal rise and fall of the Yangtze’s waters.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

武漢長江主軸濱水公園利用水位的變化營造動態豐富的公共休閒體驗 The City of Wuhan is re-envisioning one of the world’s largest riverfront parks to embrace flooding as an essential dynamic of the public realm.


The river’s mudflats continue to play a critical role in supporting biodiversity and delivering crucial ecosystem services, but the sediment flux of the Yangtze River has dropped tremendously due to numerous upstream hydrological projects along the river. The rapid disappearance of these mudflats places regional biodiversity in jeopardy. Through strategic dredging and grading, the design creates heterogeneous microenvironments that host a wide variety of distinct wetland ecosystems in the mudflats. Nuanced topography, coupled with the river’s frequent water level fluctuations, enable complex plant communities to grow. From emergent marshlands to vernal pools, these typologies create an evolving landscape character throughout the year.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

設計從橋樑、碼頭、江灘、公園、臨街界面等五個主要元素為切入點,為多重挑戰提供詳細解決策略 Comprehensive toolkits provide flexible solutions to the riverfront’s various conditions and complex challenges.


A series of sinuous secondary streams are graded to emerge in the mudflats during mid-high water levels, and provide alternative passages for aquatic wildlife, as well as safe corridors for kayaking. This strategy creates a tranquil experience amid tall marsh grasses, even when the Yangtze’s waters roar. During dry months, these stream beds function as informal pathways for visitors to explore, slicing through the dense grasses.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

舒緩的地形與季節性水位變化相結合,培育了豐富的植物群落,提供多樣的景觀體驗 Nuanced topographic changes, coupled with seasonally fluctuating water levels, unite to establish a dynamic and ecologically complex wetland landscape.


Alongside logs for turtles to loaf on and submerged fish structures, waterfowl nesting platforms are installed in the open marsh. Discreet birding stations within the tree groves offer viewing opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts. Recreational spaces are arranged based on careful calculations of the dispersing distances for the key wildlife species in the river basin such that they do not intrude into the primary habitats. During floods, the recreational fields in the mudflats are temporarily returned to the river and repopulated by fish and waterfowl.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

設計通過對河道進行疏浚和地形微處理,改善灘塗生態功能,為公眾提供四季分明的豐富活動空間 Strategic dredging and grading improves the ecological function of the existing mudflats and educate the public about its important seasonal changes.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

廢棄的貨運火車碼頭在保留場所記憶的同時成為最有特色的濱江公園節點 Abandoned railyards are adapted as vibrant cultural and recreational uses along the river.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

在保留場所記憶的同時重新煥發生機的貨運火車站碼頭遺址 The decommissioned freight train ferry terminal is an example of adaptive reuse which offers new experiences while referencing the industrial legacy of the waterfront.


Wuhan’s rich industrial history is also celebrated, with historical landmarks highlighted throughout in the riverfront park. Though largely abandoned, the site’s massive railyards and remnants of freight train ferry terminals have a strong visual presence. This heavy-duty infrastructure offers engaging platforms for park visitors to more intimately experience the river, while a series of barges are connected to form a floating promenade. This promenade rises and falls with the river, and delineates a uniquely dynamic space in between. The design of the riverfront park repurposes these industrial relics as vibrant waterfront hubs of new cultural and recreational uses, including floating plazas, restaurants, galleries, and even a floating community garden.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

江上多組相互連接的躉船上設置了餐廳、畫廊以及社區花園等多樣的活動空間 Decommissioned barges are converted to floating parks, performance stages, restaurants, and a floating museum.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

水位的漲落不僅見證了貨運火車碼頭遺址的歷史,也提供了豐富多樣的現代觀感和場所體驗 When water levels are low, the park reveals its former industrial heritage and offers a unique waterfront experience.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

高水位時作為藝術裝置呈現的碼頭遺址 Rising water levels triggers an interactive light installation that accents the inundated industrial remnants.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

靈活的藝術展演場所向公共提供親水空間並展示動態的長江水文 Flexible art and performance spaces promote public understanding and appreciation of river dynamics.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

三陽路市民廣場生機勃勃的的市民過早景象 The vibrant morning market at Sanyang plaza celebrates the diversity of it surrounding neighborhoods.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

水位的漲落創造了獨特的臨江廣場 (圖示低水位時廣場上活躍的空間場景)。 The promenade is designed to rise and fall with the river where floodable plazas reveal themselves to accommodate a variety of uses when water levels are low.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

高水位時被淹沒的臨江廣場及漂浮花園豐富的濱水景觀 Submerged during high water events, the plaza accentuates the river’s dynamics and highlights the flexible landscape of the floating garden converted from industrial barges.


At the iconic “Tip of China”—the peninsula at the scenic confluence of the Yangtze the Han rivers—the distinct color of the water of the two rivers clash abruptly with a clearly visible boundary in the middle of the Yangtze. Here, the Museum of the Yangtze rises from the levees and offers an uninterrupted panorama of Wuhan’s waterfront and burgeoning skyline.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

在長江漢江交匯處的觀賞“長江文明之心”博物館,活躍的江岸景象和蓬勃的城市天際線一覽無遺。 The “Tip of China” is an iconic cultural space where the Yangtze and the Han rivers converge.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

長江博物館與堤壩結構有機融合,俯瞰兩江環抱、縱覽武漢天際線。 The Yangtze River museum arises from the levee, taking advantage of panoramic views to the Wuhan skyline.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

遠觀南岸嘴活躍的江岸景象和蓬勃的城市天際線 The park provides a landscape foreground to Wuhan’s riverfront skyline.

透過線上意見徵集活動,廣大巿民對設計方案表達了熱烈支持,也就武漢長江主軸濱水區的未來發展方向取得了廣泛共識。在整個項目過程當中,設計團隊與甲方合作整合了逾65, 000條公眾意見,有效地推動了設計的核心概念和優化。同時,當地民間團體組識了一系列公眾探討及基地調研活動,積極推動了濱江區域景觀管理的公共參與性。當地青少年和兒童也參與到基地調研活動中來,並用畫筆表達了他們對濱水公園的期冀。

A web-based outreach effort generated fruitful public support of the design, and consensus on the future of Wuhan’s waterfront. Throughout the design process, over 65,000 public comments were collected, helping to inform design various iterations. Local civic groups also organized a series of public meetings and site tours to promote stewardship of the river’s public landscapes. Local youth were also invited to portray their vision for the waterfront park at an event on site.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

設計團隊以網站的形式鼓勵和協助公眾互動,推進設計概念的生成和優化 An interactive was created to encourage and facilitate public engagement which guided an iterative design process.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park

當地民間團體組織了一系列公眾探討及基地調研活動,推動濱江空間管理的公共參與性。 Public meetings and citizen site tours during the design process encouraged community engagement and stewardship of the riverfront.

武漢長江主軸濱水公園總體規劃以公眾參與為基礎,締造多元共生,生態和諧 的濱水空間,復興和傳承大河文化,以城江新韻展現武漢人民世代以來與江共存的獨特哲學。

Built upon a strong consensus from the public engagement, the master plan for the Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park creates a socially inclusive and ecologically meaningful waterfront with a strong cultural identity that embraces the Wuhan’s unique philosophy derived from centuries of living alongside a dynamic river.

Sasaki | 武漢長江主軸濱水公園 Wuhan Yangtze Riverfront Park


