詳解中學英語常用詞彙(34)- 3

三、cure, treat, heal, remedy 辨析

這些動詞都有"治療,醫治"之意。cure通常強調結果,指治癒某種疾病或某人的疾病;treat則通常強調過程,指對病人進行診斷和治療,但不含治好的意思。例句:A few days' rest will cure you. 休息幾天你的病就好了。The dentist is treating my teeth. 牙醫在給我看牙。注意下面兩句cure與treat所搭配的介詞不同:The doctors cured her of cancer. (cured her of ) 醫生治療了她的癌症。Which doctor is treating you for your illness? (treating you for ) 哪個醫生在給你看病?cure表示“治療”,還可用作名詞,若表示“對……的治療”或“治療……的方法”,一般用介詞for. 如:Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 迄今癌症有有效的治療方法嗎? heal 側重指治癒傷口、傷痛,如灼傷等,也可用於比喻。如:It took a long time for the wounds to heal. 傷口過了很長時間才癒合。The cut healed up without leaving a scar. 傷口癒合沒留下疤痕。Time cured her of her grief. 時光消除了她的悲傷;remedy著重用藥物對病人進行治療。如:Warmth is the best remedy for colds.熱療是治感冒的最好方法。remedy這個詞本來的含義是“藥方”,所以有“補救”的意思。如:A good remedy for cold. 治感冒的良藥。There is a remedy for everything but death. [諺語] 除死亡外,一切都有補救辦法。

詳解中學英語常用詞彙(34)- 3

